APEC (http://www.apec.org/) | |
Honolulu, Hawaii,
United States, 12 - 13 Nov 20112011 Leaders' Meeting 2011 Leaders' Declaration |
The Honolulu Declaration - Toward a Seamless Regional Economy | |
10 Nov 2011 -
6 Nov 20102011 APEC Finance Ministerial Meeting Joint Ministerial Statement |
Hawaii , United States, 11 Nov 2011 APEC |
High Level Policy Dialogue on Open Governance and Economic Growth | |
San Francisco,
California, United States, 16 Sep 2011 High Level Policy Dialogue on Women and the Economy Declaration |
San Francisco,
California, United States, 14 Sep 20117th APEC Transportation Ministerial
Meeting Ministerial Joint Statement |
Beijing, China,
7 Sep 2011The First APEC Meeting of Ministers Responsible for Forestry Beijing Statement on Forests and Forestry |
BANCO MUNDIAL www.bancomundial.org |
Informe Anual 2011 | |
Doing Busines 2012 |
Plan de Acción Caracas |
Comunicado Especial sobre las Islas Malvinas | |
Estatuto de Procedimientos | |
Declaración Especial Defensa de la Democracia | |
Declaración de Caracas | |
Declaración de Bogotá | |
XXI CUMBRE IBEROAMERICANA http://www.mre.gov.py/cumbre-iberoamericana/cumbre-iberoamericana.html |
Asunción, Paraguay, 28-29 de octubre de 2011. |
Declaración de Asunción | |
Programa de Acción de Asunción | |
Anexo del Programa de Acción de Asunción - Resultados de la Cooperación Iberamericana | |
Estrategia Cooperación Iberoamericana 2011 | |
Comunicados Especiales | |
FONDO MONETARIO INTERNACIONAL (FMI) http://www.imf.org/external/index.htm) |
Informe Anual 2011 | |
Monitor Fiscal 2011 – Resumen ejecutivo – setiembre de 2011 | |
Perspectivas de la economía mundial 2011 | |
Perspectivas Económicas – Las Américas - 2011 | |
Informe sobre la estabilidad financiera mundial - setiembre de 2011 |
G8 http://g8.gc.ca/home/ Deauville, France, August 8, 2011 |
Statement of G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors | |
Marseille, France, 9 – 10 September 2011 | |
Agreed terms of reference by G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors | |
Deauville Partnership
Finance Ministers’ Meeting Communiqué – Marseille |
G-20 http://www.g20.org/ Cannes, France, November 3-4, 2011 |
Cannes Summit Final Declaration | |
G20 Leaders Summit Communiqué | |
The Cannes Action Plan for Growth and Jobs | |
Paris, France, 14-15 October 2011 | |
Communiqué | |
Washington D.C., USA, 22-23 September 2011 |
Communiqué- Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central bank Governors | |
Communiqué- G20 Ministerial Meeting on Development |
Washington DC, USA, August 8, 2011 | |
Statement of G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors | |
MERCOSUR (www.mercosur.int) |
XLII Reunión Ordinaria del Consejo del Mercado Común - 19 de diciembre de 2011 |
Comunicado Conjunto de los Estados Partes del MERCOSUR | |
Comunicado Conjunto de los Estados Partes del MERCOSUR y Estados Asociados | |
Declaración de los Estados Partes del MERCOSUR y Estados Asociados sobre buques que enarbolan la bandera ilegal de las Islas Malvinas |
ONU (http://www.un.org) |
de Cambio Climático 2011 |
COP17 (17th Conference of the Parties) | |
Establishment of an Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action | |
Green Climate Fund - Report of the Transitional Committe | |
National adaptation plan | |
Outcome of the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention | |
Technology Executive Committee – modalities and procedures | |
CMP7 7th Session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties | |
Consideration of information on potential environmental, economic and social consequences, including spillover effects, of tools, policies, measures and methodologies available to Annex I Parties | |
Emissions trading and the project-based mechanisms | |
Greenhouse gases, sectors and source categories, common metrics to calculate the carbon dioxide equivalence of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks, and other methodological issues | |
Land use, land-use change and forestry | |
Outcome of the work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol at its sixteenth session | |
Resoluciones del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas desde el 1 de julio de 2011 hasta el 30 de noviembre de 2011 | |
Meeting of
the North Atlantic Council at the level of Foreign Ministers held at NATO
Headquarters, Brussels, on 7 December 2011. |
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Final Statement |
Meeting of the NATO-Georgia Commission at the level of Ambassadors, with the participation of the Prime Minister of Georgia |
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Joint Statement |
World Oil Outlook | |
III Cumbre de Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno del Sistema de Integración Centroamericano (SICA) y de la Comunidad del Caribe (Caricom) | |
Declaración Conjunta | |
UNASUR http://www.unasursg.org/ |
Reunión Extraordinaria de Jefas y Jefes de Estado y de Gobierno de la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas | |
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Compromiso de la UNASUR contra la desigualdad |
Consejo Europeo Reunión del 23 de octubre de 2011 |
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Conclusiones |
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Declaración de los Jefes de Estado o de Gobierno de la UE |
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Declaración de la Cumbre del Euro |
Reunión del 9 de diciembre de 2011 | |
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Conclusiones |