Or try one of the following: 詹姆斯.com, adult swim, Afterdawn, Ajaxian, Andy Budd, Ask a Ninja, AtomEnabled.org, BBC News, BBC Arabic, BBC China, BBC Russia, Brent Simmons, Channel Frederator, CNN, Digg, Diggnation, Flickr, Google News, Google Video, Harvard Law, Hebrew Language, InfoWorld, iTunes, Japanese Language, Korean Language, mir.aculo.us, Movie Trailers, Newspond, Nick Bradbury, OK/Cancel, OS News, Phil Ringnalda, Photoshop Videocast, reddit, Romanian Language, Russian Language, Ryan Parman, Traditional Chinese Language, Technorati, Tim Bray, TUAW, TVgasm, UNEASYsilence, Web 2.0 Show, Windows Vista Blog, XKCD, Yahoo! News, You Tube, Zeldman
ongoing by Tim Bray
ongoing fragmented essay by Tim BrayPhoto Philosophizing 4 Feb 2025, 8:00 pm
What happened was, I went to Saskatchewan to keep my mother company, and got a little obsessed about photo composition and complexity. Which in these troubled times is a relief.
This got started just after take-off from Vancouver. As the plane climbed over the city I thought “That’s a nice angle” and pointed the Pixel through the plexiglass.

You might want to enlarge this one.
A couple of days into my Prairie visit I got around to processing the photos and thought that Vancouver aerial had come out well. No credit to the photographer here, got lucky on the opportunity, but holy crap modern mobile-device camera tech is getting good these days. I’ll take a little credit for the Lightrooming; this has had heavy dehazing and other prettifications applied.
A couple of days later I woke up and the thermometer said -36°C (in Fahrenheit that’s “too freaking cold”). The air was still and the hazy sunlight was weird. “There has to be a good photo in this somewhere, maybe to contrast that Vancouver shot” I thought. So I tucked the Fujifilm inside my parka (it claims to be only rated to -10°) and went for a walk. Mom politely declined my invitation to come along without, to her credit, getting that “Is he crazy?” expression on her face.
Her neighborhood isn’t that photogenic but there’s a Pitch-n-putt golf course a block away so I trudged through that. The snow made freaky squeaking sounds underfoot. At that temperature, it feels like you have to push the air aside with each step. Also, you realize that your lungs did not evolve to process that particular atmospheric condition.
Twenty minutes in I had seen nothing that made me want to pull out the camera, and was thinking it was about time to head home. So I stopped in a place where there was a bit of shape and shadow, and decided that if I had to force a photo opportunity to occur by pure force of will, so be it.

It ain’t a great city framed by coastal mountains. But it ain’t nothing either. I had to take my gloves off to shoot, and after just a couple of minutes of twisting around looking for angles, my fingers were screaming at me.
The two pictures are at the opposite end of the density-vs-minimalism spectrum but they share, um, snow, so that’s something.
Anyhow, here’s the real reason I was there.

Jean Bray, who’ll be turning 95 this year.
I find photography to be a very useful distraction from what’s happening to the world.
In The Minority 22 Jan 2025, 8:00 pm
That’s us. I assume you’re among those horrified at the direction of politics and culture in recent years and especially recent weeks, in the world at large and especially in America. We are a minority. We shouldn’t try to deny it, we should be adults and figure out how to deal with it.
I’m out of patience with people who put the blame on the pollsters or the media or Big Tech, or really any third party. People generally heard what Mr Trump was offering — portrayed pretty accurately I thought — and enough of them liked it to elect him. Those who didn’t are in a minority. Quit dodging and deal.
Clearly, we the minority have failed in explaining our views. Many years ago I wrote an essay called Two Laws of Explanation. One law says that if you’re explaining something and the person you’re explaining to doesn’t get it, that’s not their problem, it’s your problem. I still believe this, absolutely.
So let’s try to figure out better explanations.
But first, a side trip into economic perception and reality.
A strong faction of progressives and macroeconomists are baffled by people being disaffected when the economy, they say, is great. Paul Krugman beats this drum all the time. Unemployment and inflation are low! Everything’s peachy! Subtext: If the population disagrees, they are fools.
I call bullshit. The evidence of homelessness is in my face wherever I go, even if there are Lamborghinis cruising past the sidewalk tents. Food banks are growing. I give a chunk of money every year to Adopt a School, which puts free cafeterias in Vancouver schools where kids are coming to school hungry. Kingston, a mid-sized mid-Canadian city, just declared an emergency because one household in three is suffering from food insecurity.
Even among those who are making it, for many it’s just barely:
… half of Canadians (50%, +8) are now $200 or less away each month from not being able to pay their bills and debt payments. This is a result of significantly more Canadians saying they are already insolvent (35%, +9) compared to last quarter. Canadians who disproportionately report being $200 or less away from insolvency continue to be women (55%, +4) but the proportion of men at risk has increased to 44%, up 13 points from last quarter.
Source: MNP Consumer Debt Index. The numbers like “+8” give the change since last quarter.
(Yes, this data is Canadian, because I am. But I can’t imagine that America is statistically any better.)
Minorities need to study majorities closely. So let me sort them, the ones who gave Trump the election I mean, into baskets:
Stone racists who hate immigrants, especially brown ones.
Culture warriors who hate gays and trans people and so on.
Class warriors; the conventional billionaire-led Republican faction who are rich, voting for anyone they think offers lower taxes and less regulation.
People who don’t pay much attention to the news but remember that gas was cheaper when Trump was in office.
Oh wait, I forgot one: People who heard Trump say what boiled down to “The people who are running things don’t care about you and are corrupt!” This worked pretty well because far too many don’t and are. A whole lot of the people who heard this are financially stressed (see above).
Who to talk to?
Frankly, I wouldn’t bother trying to reach out to either of the first two groups. Empirically, some people are garbage. You can argue that it’s not their fault; maybe they had a shitty upbringing or just fell into the wrong fellowships. Maybe. But you can be sure that that’s not your fault. The best practice is some combination of ignoring them and defending against their attacks, politics vs politics and force versus force.
I think talking to the 1% is worthwhile. The fascist leaders are rich, but not all of the rich are fascist. Some retain much of their humanity. And presumably some are smart enough to hear an argument that on this economic path lie tumbrils and guillotines.
That leaves the people who mostly ignore the news and the ones who have just had it with the deal they’re getting from late-Capitalist society. I’m pretty sure that’s who we should be talking to, mostly.
What to say?
I’m not going to claim I know. I hear lots of suggestions…
In the New Yorker, Elizabeth Kolbert’s Does One Emotion Rule All Our Ethical Judgments? makes two points. First, fear generally trumps all other emotions. So, try phrasing your arguments in terms of the threats that fascism poses directly to the listener, rather than abstract benefits to be enjoyed by everyone in a progressive world.
Second, she points out the awesome power of anecdote: MAGA made this terrible thing happen to this actual person, identified by name and neighborhood.
On Bluesky, Mark Cuban says we need offensive hardass progressive political podcasts, and offers a sort of horrifying example that might work.
On Bloomberg (paywalled) they say that the ruling class should be terrified of a K-shaped recovery; by inference, progressives should be using that as an attack vector.
Josh Marshall has been arguing for weeks that since the enemies won the election, they have the power and have to own the results. Progressives don’t need to sweat alternative policies, they just have to highlight the downsides of encroaching fascism (there are plenty) and say “What we are for is NOT THAT!” and just keep saying it. Here’s an example.
Maybe one of these lines of attack is right. I think they’re all worth trying. And I’m pretty sure I know one ingredient that’s going to have to be part of any successful line of attack…
Be blunt
Looking back at last year’s Presidential campaign, there’s a thing that strikes me as a huge example of What Not To Do. I’m talking about Harris campaign slogan: “Opportunity Economy”. This is marketing-speak. If there’s one thing we should have learned it’s that the population as a whole — rich, poor, Black, white, queer, straight, any old gender — has learned to see through this kind of happy talk.
Basically, in Modern Capitalism, whenever, and I mean whenever without exception, whenever someone offers you an “opportunity”, they’re trying to take advantage of you. This is appallingly tone-deaf, and apparently nobody inside that campaign asked themselves the simple question “Would I actually use this language in talking to someone I care about?” Because they wouldn’t.
Be blunt. Call theft theft. Call lies lies. Call violence violence. Call ignorance ignorance. Call stupidity stupidity.
Also, talk about money a lot. Because billionaires are unpopular.

From a good AP poll.
Don’t say anything you wouldn’t say straight-up in straight-up conversation with a real person. Don’t let any marketing or PR professionals edit the messaging. This is the kind of messaging that social media is made for.
Maybe I’m oversimplifying, but I don’t think so.
Protocol Churn 14 Jan 2025, 8:00 pm
Bluesky and the Fediverse are our best online hopes for humane human conversation. Things happened on 2025/01/13; I’ll hand the microphone to Anil Dash, whose post starts “This is a monumental day for the future of the social web.”

What happened? Follow Anil’s links: Mastodon and Bluesky (under the “Free Our Feeds” banner). Not in his sound-bite: Both groups are seeking donations, raising funds to meet those goals.

I’m sympathetic to both these efforts, but not equally. I’m also cynical, mostly about the numbers: They’ve each announced a fundraising target, and both the targets are substantial, and I’m not going to share either, because they’re just numbers pulled out of the air, written on whiteboards, designed to sound impressive.
What is true
These initiatives, just by existing, are evidence in letters of fire 500 miles high, evidence of people noticing something important: Corporately-owned town squares are irreversibly discredited. They haven’t worked in the past, they don’t work now, and they’ll never work.
Something decentralized is the only way forward. Something not owned by anyone, defined by freely-available protocols. Something like email. Or like the Fediverse, which runs on the ActivityPub protocol. Or, maybe Bluesky, where by “Bluesky” I mean independent service providers federated via the AT Protocol, “ATProto” for short.
What is hard?
I’ll tell you what’s hard: Raising money for a good cause, when that good cause is full of abstractions about openness and the town square and so on. Which implies you’re not intending that the people providing the money will make money. So let’s wish both these efforts good luck. They’ll need it.
What matters
Previously in Why Not Bluesky I argued that, when thinking about the future of conversational media, what matters isn’t the technology, or even so much the culture, but the money: Who pays for the service? On that basis, I’m happy about both these initiatives.
But now I’m going to change course and talk about technology a bit. At the moment, the ATProto implementation that drives Bluesky is the only one in the world. If the company operating it failed in execution or ran out of money, the service would shut down.
So, in practice, Bluesky’s not really decentralized at all. Thus, I’m glad that the “Free Our Feeds” effort is going to focus on funding an alternative ATProto implementation. In particular, they’re talking about offering an alternative ATProto “Relay”.
Before I go on, you’re going to need a basic understanding of what ATProto is and how its parts work. Fortunately, as usual, Wikipedia has a terse, accurate introduction. If you haven’t looked into ATProto yet, please hop over there and remedy that. I’ll wait.
Now that you know the basics, you can understand why Free Our Feeds is focusing on the Relay. Because, assuming that Bluesky keeps growing, this is going to be a big, challenging piece of software to build, maintain, and operate, and the performance of the whole service depends on it.
The Fediverse in general and Mastodon in particular generally don’t rely on a global firehose feed that knows everything that happens, like an eye in the sky. In fact, the ActivityPub protocol assumes a large number of full-stack peer implementations that chatter with each other, in stark contrast to ATProto’s menagerie of Repos and PDSes and Relays and App Views and Lexicons.
The ATProto approach has advantages; since the Relay knows everything, you can be confident of seeing everything relevant. The Fediverse makes no such promise, and it’s well-known that in certain circumstances you can miss replies to your posts. And perhaps more important, miss replies to others’ posts, which opens the door to invisible attackers.
And this makes me nervous. Because why would anyone make the large engineering and financial investments that’d be required to build and operate an ATProto Relay?
ActivityPub servers may have their flaws, but in practice they are pretty cheap to operate. And it’s easy to think of lots of reasons why lots of organizations might want to run them:
A university, to provide a conversational platform for its students…
… or its faculty.
A Developer Relations team, to talk to geeks.
Organized religion, for evangelism, scholarship, and ministry.
Marketing and PR teams, to get the message out.
Government departments that provide services to the public.
Or consider my own instance, CoSocial, the creation of Canadians who (a) are fans of the co-operative movement, (b) concerned about Canadians’ data staying in Canada, and (c) want to explore modes of funding conversational media that aren’t advertising or Patreon.
Maybe, having built and run a Relay, the Free Our Feeds people will discover a rationale for why anyone else should do this.
So, anyhow…
I hope both efforts hit their fundraising targets. I hope both succeed at what they say they’re going to try.
But for my own conversation with the world, I’m sticking with the Fediverse.
Most of all, I’m happy that so many people, whatever they think of capitalism, have realized that it’s an unsuitable foundation for online human conversation. And most of all I hope that that number keeps growing.
AI Noise Reduction 10 Jan 2025, 8:00 pm
What happened was, there was a pretty moon in the sky, so I got out a tripod and the big honkin’ Tamron 150-500 and fired away. Here’s the shot I wanted to keep.

Sadly, the clouds had shifted
and Luna had lost her pretty bronze shading.
I thought the camera and lens did OK given that I was shooting from sea level through soggy Pacific-Northwest winter air. But when I zoomed in there was what looked like pretty heavy static. So I applied Lightroom to the problem, twice.

I’ll be surprised if many of you can see a significant difference. (Go ahead and enlarge.) But you would if it were printed on a big piece of paper and hung on a wall. So we’ll look at the zoomed-in version. But first…
Noise reduction, old-school
Lightroom has had a Luminance-noise reduction tool for years. Once you wake it up, you can further refine with “Detail” and “Contrast” sliders, whose effects are subtle at best. For the moon shot, I cranked the Luminance slider pretty all the way over and turned up Detail quite a bit too.
Noise reduction, with AI
In recent Lightroom versions there’s a “Denoise…” button. Yes, with an ellipsis and a note that says “Reduce noise with AI.” It’s slow; took 30 seconds or more to get where it was going.
Anyhow, here are the close-up shots.

Original first, then noise-reduced
in Lightroom by hand, then with AI.
What do you think?
I have a not-terribly-strong preference for the by-hand version. I think both noise reductions add value to the photo. I wonder why the AI decided to enhance the very-slight violet cast? You can look at the rim of one crater or another and obsess about things that nobody just admiring the moon will ever see.
It’s probably worth noting that the static in the original version isn’t “Luminance noise”, which is what you get when you’re pushing your sensor too hard to capture an image in low light. When you take pictures of the moon you quickly learn that it’s not a low-light scenario at all, the moon is a light-colored object in direct sunlight. These pix are taken at F7.1 at 1/4000 second shutter. I think the static is just the Earth’s atmosphere getting in the way. So I’m probably abusing Lightroom’s Luminance slider. Oh well.
You could take this as an opportunity to sneer at AI, but that would be dumb. First, Lightroom’s AI-driven “select sky” and “select subject” tools work astonishingly well, most times. Second, Adobe’s been refining that noise-reduction code for decades and the AI isn’t even a year old yet.
We’ll see how it goes.
Bitcoin Lessons 4 Jan 2025, 8:00 pm
Here we are, it’s 2025 and Bitcoin is surging. Around $100K last time I looked. While its creation spews megatons of carbon into our atmosphere, investors line up to buy it in respectable ETFs, and long-term players like retirement pools and university endowments are looking to get in. Many of us are finding this extremely annoying. But I look at Bitcoin and I think what I’m seeing is Modern Capitalism itself, writ large and in brutally sharp focus.
[Disclosure: In 2017 I made a lot of money selling Bitcoins at around $20K, ones I’d bought in 2013. Then in 2021 I lost money shorting Bitcoin (but I’m still ahead on this regrettable game).]
What is a Bitcoin?
It is verifiable proof that a large amount of computing has been done. Let’s measure it in carbon, and while it’s complicated and I’ve seen a range of answers, they’re all over 100 tonnes of CO2/Btc. That proof is all that a Bitcoin is.

Bitcoin is also a store of value. It doesn’t matter whether you think it should be, empirically it is, because lots of people are exchanging lots of money for Bitcoins on the assumption that they will store the value of that money. Is it a good store of value? Many of us think not, but who cares what we think?
Is Bitcoin useful?
I mean, sure, there are currency applications in gun-running, ransoms, narcotics, and sanctions-dodging. But nope, the blockchain is so expensive and slow that all most people can really do with Bitcoin is refresh their wallets hoping to see number go up.
Bitcoin and late capitalism
The success of Bitcoin teaches the following about capitalism in the 2020s:
Capitalism doesn’t care about aesthetics. Bitcoins in and of themselves in no way offer any pleasure to any human.
Capitalism doesn’t care about negative externalities generally, nor about the future of the planet in particular. As long as the number goes up, the CO2 tonnage is simply invisible. Even as LA burns.
Capitalism can be oblivious to the sunk-cost fallacy as long as people are making money right now.
Capitalism doesn’t care about utility; the fact that you can’t actually use Bitcoins for anything is apparently irrelevant.
And oblivious about crime too. The fact that most actual use of Bitcoins as a currency carries the stench of international crime doesn’t seem to bother anyone.
Capitalism doesn’t care about resiliency or sustainability. Bitcoins are fragile; very easy to lose forever by forgetting a password or failing to back up data just right. Also, on the evidence, easy to steal.
Capitalism can get along with obviously crazy behavior, for example what MicroStrategy is doing: Turning a third-rate software company into a bag of Bitcoins and having an equity valuation that is higher than the value of the bag; see Matt Levine (you have to scroll down a bit, look for “MicroStrategy”).
Capitalism says: “Only money is real. Those other considerations are for amateurs. Also, fuck the future.”
Do I hate capitalism?
Not entirely. As Paul Krugman points out, a market-based economy can in practice deliver reasonably good results for a reasonably high proportion of the population, as America’s did in the decades following 1945. Was that a one-time historical aberration? Maybe.
But as for what capitalism has become in the 21st century? Everything got financialized and Bitcoin isn’t the disease, it’s just a highly visible symptom. Other symptoms: The explosion of homelessness, the destruction of my children’s ecosystem, the gig economy, and the pervasiveness of wage theft. It’s really hard to find a single kind word to say.
Are Bitcoins dangerous?
Not existentially. I mean, smart people are worried, for example Rostin Behnam, chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission: “You still have a large swath of the digital asset space unregulated in the US regulatory system and it’s important — given the adoption we’ve seen by some traditional financial institutions, the huge demand for these products by both the retail and institutional investors — that we fill this gap.”
All that granted, the market cap of Bitcoin is around two trillion US dollars as I write this. Yes, that’s a lot of money. But most of them are held by market insiders, so even in the (plausible) case that it plunges close to zero, the damage to the mainstream economy shouldn’t be excessive.
It’s just immensely annoying.
Bitcoin and gold
One of the things Bitcoin teaches us is that there is too much money in the world, more than can be put to work in sensible investments. So the people who have it do things like buy Bitcoins.
Gold is also a store of value, also mostly just because people believe it is. But it has the virtues of beauty and of applications in jewellery and electronics. I dunno, I’m seriously thinking about buying some on the grounds that the people who have too much money are going to keep investing in it. In particular if Bitcoin implodes.
Having fun staying poor
I’ve been snarling at cryptocurrencies since 2018 or so. But, number go up. So I’ll close by linking to HODLers apology.
Is this the best socio-economic system we as a species can build?
December 24th Lasagna 2 Jan 2025, 8:00 pm
We had thirteen people at my Mom’s house this last Christmas. One of our traditions is a heroic Lasagna for Christmas Eve, a specialty of a family member. This year we asked them for the recipe and they agreed, but would rather remain uncredited. It’s called “Very Rich Red Sauce and four-Cheese Lasagna”.
I sort of enjoy cooking but would never have the courage to take on a project like this. I can testify that the results are wonderful.
Key sauce ingredients are red wine & sun-dried tomatoes; lasagna is all about mozza, the provolone adds a certain extra something. Over to the chef:
butter - half a lb block or less
olive oil to sauté
carrots - 2 to 4 depending on size, make sure they are fresh!
celery - 5-6 spears, say ⅔ of a bunch
onions (ideally yellow, but whatevs) - 3-6 depending on size.
(by volume, you are looking to get roughly 3:2:1 proportions when chopped of onions:celery:carrots)
a red sweet pepper
extra lean hamburger - 1 kg
3 cloves
salt - half a tablespoon? more? (tomato sauces tend to need a little more salt than other applications)
black pepper - if not using cayenne, a LOT, perhaps a tablespoon of freshly ground
cayenne - if using, to taste, I find strength is highly variable so hard to say how much, perhaps a couple of teaspoons?
Two big cans of diced tomatoes (NOT AYLMER! yuck, Unico is acceptable, Italian imported best)
3 small cans or one big can of tomato paste (or tubes, if you get them from an Italian grocery store, which are a rather superior product) It is hard to use too much tomato paste
(pro tip for cans of tomato paste: use the can opener to open BOTH the top and bottom of the can, then the paste slides out neatly and you don’t have to fool around trying to spatula the paste out of the can!)
about a half bottle of cheap red wine (the grocery store sells cheap cooking wine in demi bottles, though red can be hard to find, one demi bottle is more than enough)
most of a garlic bulb, say three quarters, once again FINELY chopped (no not pressed or processed!)
a LOT of dried oregano, say 3-4 tablespoons plus
a fair amount of dried basil, say 2 tablespoons plus
some died thyme, say a half tablespoon plus
(herbs are tough to give measurements for, as they vary enormously in potency with brand, age & storage)
about a tablespoon of powdered beef stock
about 1½ to 2 cups of finely chopped sun-dried tomatoes NO SUBSTITUTIONS!!!!!
1 disposable foil pan
foil to cover
butter to grease pan
melted butter to cover top lightly
1¼ margarine tins of sauce above
1½ boxes of lasagna noodles (NOT the “instant” or pre-cooked kind)
salted water to boil noodles
1 big block of mozzarella cheese, coarsely grated
2 packages (12-16 slices) of provolone cheese
1 tin of ricotta cheese
grated parmesan cheese
little bit of freshly ground black pepper
Procedure: Sauce
For the mirepoix, the vegetables all need to be FINELY chopped up for sauce consistency. And I mean FINELY chopped-- I have tried both powered and manual food processors, and they do not do a good job, either reducing things to mush, or leaving big chunks-- the idea here is to get everything about the same size (and the garlic later), it gives the sauce some consistency.
This is tedious and takes a long time.
To give you an idea, a celery spear can be cut into 5-7 strips longwise with the grain, and then the strips chopped as finely as possible across the grain. A big carrot can yield say 6 long flat pieces that can be cut longways into strips, and then the strips cuts finely against the grain to produce little cubes.
The mirepoix is important, we need to get the natural sugars to balance out the acidity of the tomatoes and wine. I cook the onions separately from the rest…
Caramelize the onions. Frankly, this is a pain in the ass. There are no shortcuts; the internet has all these handy tips like using a pressure cooker at first or a slow cooker or adding baking soda or water or whatnot, I’ve tried them, and just no. So a big non-stick frying pan, and sloooow saute with a little butter and salt, frequent stirring, a lot of patience, at LEAST 40 minutes. Maybe an hour. And constant attention, the bastards will burn on you at the drop of a hat. There is no hiding it, this is tricky and somewhat difficult. But worth it, caramelized onions are magic.
Meanwhile, in as big a heavy bottom pot as you can find, saute the celery and carrots (and peppers if you are using them) with say 3 dried cloves, in a little butter, you want to shrink them down and bring out the carrots’ natural sugars, and soften the cloves & bring out their flavour, this takes a while, say 20 minutes or more?
Remove the onions and carrots and celery to a BIG bowl, clean out the big heavy bottom pot and brown the hamburger, about 1kg. DO NOT USE “regular” as it is mostly fat; lately I have been using the “extra lean” because even the lean is quite fatty these days. A little olive oil in the pot, a fair amount of salt (half tablespoon?) & a lot of freshly ground black pepper (approaching a tablespoon?) on the meat and lots of stirring.
This where a lot of people screw up, essentially they “grey” the meat, they don’t BROWN it, ie achieve the Maillard reaction-- as with the mirepoix, we are trying to bring out natural sugars. A lot of stirring/scraping, to break the hamburger up into as small pieces as possible, ie the same size as the veggies in the mirepoix.
While this is happening, add the rest of the ingredients to the mirepoix in the big bowl: tomatoes, tomato paste (more is better), wine.
Also the chopped garlic, oregano, basil, thyme, about a tablespoon of powdered beef stock (yes this is cheating, shhh).
A word about sun-dried tomatoes: they are absolutely wonderful things, but hard to find. Ideally, you want the dried kind, not the “in oil” kind, but you may have to settle for that. There are two different kinds of “in oil”, the ones in jars floating in oil like pickles in brine (they are prepped for salads, not sauces, so they are floating oil, and disintegrate once they are in a sauce), which you really do not want, and the ones in packages that have been oiled for preservation. This is usually what you have to settle for. The best ones are dry and quite hard.They are hard to find.
Of these, the worst sun-dried tomatoes are the North American product, the big food companies noted there was a demand for them, and started tossing field tomatoes into drying kilns. These are quite inferior, but useable if it’s all you can find. The best ones are Turkish, followed by Italian, you can usually find in Italian delicatessens or grocery stores (even the Italians agree the Turkish ones are best).
[Tim says: I found them in Vancouver and the chef is right, the flavor is to die for.]
If you get the fully dried/no oil kind, you can simmer them a little in a little water to soften them before you try chopping them up; the water (or some of it anyway) should be added to the sauce…
Drain any fat from the browned meat, add the mix to the meat in the big pot. Stir it all up some more, get it well mixed. You can add a little wine and/or tomato juice if it seems too thick, but be aware that it will liquify a little during cooking. If you are going to use it as a pasta sauce, you want it more liquid, if for lasagna, you want it as thick as practical. In any case, it is very difficult to judge the final thickness at this point.
You can add a little (sun-dried tomato?) water, or tomato juice, or wine, if it needs it, but be cautious.
Put on medium to low heat and stir frequently until it comes to a high simmer/low boil (don’t let it burn!) then turn the heat down to minimum, and slow-cook for at least 4 hours, stirring every 20 minutes or so. Cooking it longer is a Good Thing, I often cook it for 7 or more hours.
LEAVE it out overnight! (this is important!)
Warm it up the next day, bringing it back to a high simmer/low boil and stirring a lot, serve it on pasta. Or make lasagna. Or freeze it. One margarine tin makes a meal with leftovers (each serving would be small, because the stuff is quite strong). One margarine tin (plus a little, ideally) makes for one lasagna. You should get about 3 or so margarine tins from the above. It freezes just fine.
In theory, one box of lasagna noodles is just enough to make one pan of lasagna. However, there are almost always a lot of broken pieces of lasagna in a box, and pieces that break or get stuck or something during cooking. I allow for 1 and half a box per lasagna pan.
enough lasagna noodles, cooked al dente in salted boiling water
1¼ margarine tins of sauce, gently heated up
Butter (better than margarine but you can use that if necessary)
1 big block of mozzarella (the regular supermarket kind is fine, I tried the expensive high quality italian stuff, and it was a LITTLE bit better, but not enough to justify the cost)
1 tin of ricotta cheese, or failing that, dry curd cottage cheese
12-16 slices of provolone cheese (usually 2 packages)
parmesan cheese (like with the mozza, I find the cheap Kraft product fully acceptable for this purpose)
freshly ground black pepper
foil lasagna pan
heavy duty foil
Grease the pan with butter. do a thorough job, you don’t want huge amounts of butter, but you do not want any bit of foil that might come in contact with lasagna ungreased.
Coarsely grate the mozzarella.
Lay an overlapping layer of lasagna noodles crossways in the pan, with the sides going up the sides of the pan. The pieces at either end need to overlap the piece on the bottom, but bend up to cover the short end of the pan as well. This is a pain in the ass to get right.
The sauce goes a long way, you do NOT want a thick layer. Spread a thin layer over the bottom of the pan, about a third of the sauce. Put a layer of mozza on top, about a third of it. Put half the provolone on top. Put a layer of lasagna noodles down long-ways , overlapping a bit.
Spread a thin layer of sauce, another third, covered with mozza, another third, and cover that with the ricotta (or dry-curd cottage). Put down another layer of lasagna long-ways.
The rest of the sauce, the rest of the mozza, and the rest of the provolone.
Cover the cross-wise lasagna noodles, overlapping, and trying to tuck the ends in to seal the package. This is tricky at the ends, I find putting a small cut in the lasagna noodle at the corner makes it easier to fold over neatly. (Usually I am tired by this point and less inclined to be finicky and careful, which is a pity.)
Pour a little melted butter over the top, enough to grease the surface. Sprinkle some freshly ground pepper and a fair amount of parmesan over the top. Cover with foil. Put in fridge (you can pre-make hours before use if you are having a party or something) or immediately put in pre-heated oven.
Preheat oven to pretty hot, 375-400. Cook lasagna for 45 minutes to an hour. Remove foil from pan 10-15 minutes before you remove it from the oven. Put the foil back on and let it stand for AT LEAST 15 minutes, better if you can hold off for half an hour (the hotter it is, the more likely it is do disintegrate when being served, you want the melted cheese to start to re-set a little)
Serve with garlic bread and salad and an impertinent red wine. One pan goes a fairly long way, serves 6-8ish? Depends how many hungry teens you have around…
QRS: Dot-matching Redux 29 Dec 2024, 8:00 pm
Recently I posted
Matching “.” in UTF-8, in which I claimed that you could match
the regular-expression “.
” in a UTF-8 stream with either four or five states in a byte-driven finite automaton,
depending how
you define the problem. That statement was arguably wrong, and you might need three more states, for a total of eight. But you
can make a case that really, only four should be needed, and another case calling for quite a few more.
Because that phrase “depending how you define the problem” is doing a lot of work.
But first, thanks: Ed Davies, whose blog contributions (1, 2, 3) were getting insufficient attention from me until Daphne Preston-Kendal insisted I look more closely.
To summarize Ed’s argument: There are a bunch of byte combinations that look (and work) like regular UTF-8 but are explicitly ruled out by the Unicode spec, in particular Section 3.9.3 and its Table 3.7.
Moar States!
Ed posted a nice picture of a corrected 8-state automaton that will fail to match any of these forbidden sequences.

(Original SVG here.)
I looked closely at Ed’s proposal and it made sense, so I implemented it and (more important) wrote a bunch of unit tests exploring the code space, and it indeed seems to accept/reject everything correctly per Unicode 3.9.3.
So, argument over, and I should go forward with the 8-state Davies automaton, right? Why am I feeling nervous and grumpy, then?
Not all Unicode
I’ve already mentioned in this series that your protocols and data structures just gotta support Unicode in the 21st century, but you almost certainly don’t want to support all the Unicode characters, where by “character” I mean, well… if you care at all about this stuff, please go read Unicode Character Repertoire Subsets (“Unichars for short), a draft inching its way through the IETF, with luck an RFC some day. And if you really care, dig into RFC 3454: PRECIS Framework: Preparation, Enforcement, and Comparison of Internationalized Strings in Application Protocols. Get a coffee first, PRECIS has multiple walls of text and isn’t simple at all. But it goes to tremendous lengths to address security issues and other best practices.
If you don’t have the strength, take my word for it that the following things are true:
We don’t talk much about abstract characters; instead focus on the numeric “code points” that represent them.
JSON, for historical reasons, accepts all the code points.
There are several types of code points that don’t represent characters: “Surrogates”, “controls”, and “noncharacters”.
There are plenty of code points that are problematic because they can be used by phishers and other attackers to fool their victims because they look like other characters.
There are characters that you shouldn’t use because they represent one or another of the temporary historical hacks used in the process of migrating from previous encoding schemes to Unicode.
The consequence of all this is that there are many subsets of Unicode that you might want to restrict users of your protocols or data structures to:
JSON characters: That is to say, all of them, including all the bad stuff.
Unichars “Scalars”: Everything except the surrogates.
Unichars “XML characters”: Lots but not all of the problematic code points excluded.
Unichars “Unicode Assignables”: “All code points that are currently assigned, excluding legacy control codes, or that might in future be assigned.”
PRECIS “IdentifierClass”: “Strings that can be used to refer to, include, or communicate protocol strings like usernames, filenames, data feed identifiers, and chatroom name.”
PRECIS “FreeformClass”: “Strings that can be used in a free-form way, e.g., as a password in an authentication exchange or a nickname in a chatroom.”
Some variation where you don’t accept any unassigned code points; risky, because that changes with every Unicode release.
(I acknowledge that I am unreasonably fond of numbered lists, which is probably an admission that I should try harder to compose smoothly-flowing linear arguments that don’t need numbers.)
You’ll notice that I didn’t provide links for any of those entries. That’s because you really shouldn’t pick one without reading the underlying document describing why it exists.
What should you accept?
I dunno. None of the above are crazy. I’m kind of fond of Unicode Assignables, which I co-invented. The only thing I’m sure of is that you should not go with JSON Characters, because of the fact that its rules make the following chthonic horror perfectly legal:
{"example": "\u0000\u0089\uDEAD\uD9BF\uDFFF"}
Unichars describes it:
The value of the “example” field contains the C0 control NUL, the C1 control "CHARACTER TABULATION WITH JUSTIFICATION", an unpaired surrogate, and the noncharacter U+7FFFF encoded per JSON rules as two escaped UTF-16 surrogate code points. It is unlikely to be useful as the value of a text field. That value cannot be serialized into well-formed UTF-8, but the behavior of libraries asked to parse the sample is unpredictable; some will silently parse this and generate an ill-formed UTF-8 string.
No, really.
What is Quamina for?
If you’re wondering what a “Quamina” is, you probably stumbled into this post through some link and, well, there’s a lot of history. Tl;dr: Quamina is a pattern-matching library in Go with an unusual (and fast) performance envelope; it can match thousands of Patterns to millions of JSON blobs per second. For much, much more, peruse the Quamina Diary series on this blog.
Anyhow, all this work in being correctly restrictive as to the shape of the incoming UTF-8 was making me uncomfortable. Quamina is about telling you what byte patterns are in your incoming data, not enforcing rules about what should be there.
And it dawned on me that it might be useful to ask Quamina to look at a few hundred thousand inputs per second and tell you which had ill-formed-data problems. Quamina’s dumb-but-fast byte-driven finite automaton would be happy to do that, and very efficiently too.
So, having literally lain awake at night fretting over this, here’s what I think I’m going to do:
I’ll implement a new Quamina pattern called
or some such that will match any field that has busted UTF-8 of the kind we’ve been talking about here. It’d rely on an automaton that is basically the inverse of Davies’ state machine.By default, the meaning of “
” will be “matches the Davies automaton”; it’ll match well-formed UTF-8 matching all code points except surrogates.I’ll figure out how to parameterize regular-expression matches so you can change the definition of “
” to match one or more of the smaller subsets like those in the list above from Unichars and PRECIS.
But who knows, maybe I’ll end up changing my mind again. I already have, multiple times. Granted that implementing regular
expressions is hard, you’d think that matching “.
” would be the easy part. Ha ha ha.
QRS: Matching “.” in UTF-8 18 Dec 2024, 8:00 pm
Back on December 13th, I
posted a challenge on Mastodon: In a simple UTF-8 byte-driven
finite automaton, how many states does it take to match the regular-expression construct “.
”, i.e. “any character”?
Anthony Williams responded,
getting it almost right I think,
but I found his description a little hard to understand. In this piece I’m going to dig into what
actually means, and then how many states you need to match it.
[Update: Lots more on this subject and some of the material below is arguably wrong, but just “arguably”; see
Dot-matching Redux.]
The answer surprised me. Obviously this is of interest only to the faction of people who are interested in automaton wrangling, problematic characters, and the finer points of UTF-8. I expect close attention from all 17 of you!
The answer is…
Four. Or five, depending.
What’s a “Unicode character”?
They’re represented by “code points”, which are numbers in the range 0 … 17×216, which is to say 1,114,112 possible values. It turns out you don’t actually want to match all of them; more on that later.
How many states?
Quamina is a “byte-level automaton” which means it’s in a state, it reads a byte, looks up the value of that byte in a map
yielding either the next state, or nil
, which means no match. Repeat until you match or fail.
What bytes are we talking about here? We’re talking about UTF-8 bytes. If you don’t understand UTF-8 the rest of this is going to be difficult. I wrote a short explainer called Characters vs. Bytes twenty-one years ago. I now assume you understand UTF-8 and knew that code points are encoded as sequences of from 1 to 4 bytes.
Let’s count!
When you match a code point successfully you move to the part of the automaton that’s trying to match the next one; let’s call this condition MATCHED.
(From here on, all the numbers are hex, I’ll skip the leading 0x. And all the ranges are inclusive.)
In multi-byte characters, all the UTF-8 bytes but the first have bitmasks like
, so there are six significant bits, thus 26 or 64 distinct possible values ranging from 80-BF.There’s a Start state. It maps byte values 00-7F (as in ASCII) to MATCHED. That’s our first state, and we’ve handled all the one-byte code points.
In the Start state, the 32 byte values C0-DF, all of which begin
signaling a two-byte code point, are mapped to the Last state. In the Last state, the 64 values 80-BF are mapped to MATCHED. This takes care of all the two-byte code points and we’re up to two states.In the Start state, the 16 byte values E0-EF, all of which begin
signaling a three-byte code point, are mapped to the LastInter state. In that state, the 64 values 80-BF are mapped to the Last state. Now we’re up to three states and we’ve handled the three-byte code points.In the Start state, the 8 byte values F0-F7, all of which begin 11110 signaling a four-byte code point, are mapped to the FirstInter state. In that state, the 64 values 80-BF are mapped to the LastInter state. Now we’ve handled all the code points with four states.
But wait!
I mentioned above about not wanting to match all the code points. “Wait,” you say, “why wouldn’t you want to be maximally inclusive?!” Once again, I’ll link to Unicode Character Repertoire Subsets, a document I co-wrote that is making its way through the IETF and may become an RFC some year. I’m not going to try to summarize a draft that bends over backwards to be short and clear; suffice it to say that there are good reasons for leaving out several different flavors of code point.
Probably the most pernicious code points are the “Surrogates”, U+D800-U+DFFF. If you want an explanation of what they are and why they’re bad, go read that Repertoire Subsets draft or just take my word for it. If you were to encode them per UTF-8 rules (which the UTF-8 spec says you’re not allowed to), the low and high bounds would be ED,A0,80 and ED,BF,BF.
Go’s UTF-8 implementation agrees that Surrogates Are Bad and The UTF-8 Spec Is Good and flatly refuses to convert those UTF-8 sequences into code points or vice versa. The resulting subset of code points even has a catchy name: Unicode Scalars. Case closed, right?
Wrong. Because JSON was designed before we’d thought through these problems, explicitly saying it’s OK to include any code point whatsoever, including surrogates. And Quamina is used for matching JSON data. So, standards fight!
I’m being a little unfair here. I’m sure that if Doug Crockford were inventing JSON now instead of in 2001, he’d exclude surrogates and probably some of the other problematic code points discussed in that Subsets doc.
Anyhow, Quamina will go with Go and exclude surrogates. Any RFC8259 purists out there, feel free accuse me of standards apostasy and I will grant your point but won’t change Quamina. Actually, not true; at some point I’ll probably add an option to be more restrictive and exclude more than just surrogates.
Which means that now we have to go back to the start of this essay and figure out how many states it takes to match
” Let’s see…
The Start state changes a bit. See #5 in the list above. Instead of mapping all of E0-EF to the LastInter state, it maps one byte in that range, ED, to a new state we’ll call, let’s see, how about ED.
In ED, just as in LastInter, 80-9F are mapped to Last. But A0-BF aren’t mapped to anything, because on that path lie the surrogates.
So, going with the Unicode Scalar path of virtue means I need five states, not four.
1994 Hong Kong Adventure 14 Dec 2024, 8:00 pm
This story is about Hong Kong and mountains and ferries and food and beer. What happened was, there’s a thirty-year-old picture I wanted to share and it brought the story to mind. I was sure I’d written it up but can’t find it here on the blog, hard as I try, so here we go. Happy ending promised!
The picture I wanted to share is from a business trip to Hong Kong in 1994 and hey, it turns out I have lots more pictures from that trip.

Kai Tak airport in 1994.

Rats for sale in a sketchy corner of Kowloon.

Kai Tak, what an airport that was. If you could open the plane’s windows, you’d have been able to grab laundry hung to dry on people’s balconies. My fast-talking HK friend said “Safest airport in the world! You know pilot paying 100% attention!”
My trip extended over a weekend and I wanted to get out of town so I read up on interesting walks; on paper of course, the Web only just barely existed. Lantau Island was recommended; there was a good hike up over the local mountains that reached a Trappist monastery with a well-reviewed milk bar. So I took the ferry from Central to Mui Wo.
The view from the ferry was great!

I revisited Mui Wo in 2019, visiting the Big Buddha.
It was easy to find the hiking trail up the mountains, well-maintained but steep. I stopped to take pictures maybe more often than strictly necessary because it was in the high Celsius thirties with 99% humidity and my North-Euro metabolism wasn’t dealing well. Visions of Trappist ice-cream danced in my head as the sweat dripped off my chin.

Having said that, I’m glad I stopped because the pictures please my eye. These are all Ektachrome; can’t remember whether I took them with the Pentax SLR or the little Nikon pocket camera.
Lantau has the new international airport on it now; I wonder if those green hills are still unspoiled.
Eventually, sweat-soaked and my body screaming for mercy, I reached a small mountaintop. I could see the monastery, but it was a couple of little mountains over, so I arrived in poor condition. Sadly for me, it was a Sunday so, commerce deferring to the sacred, the joint was closed. Poor Tim. Especially since I hadn’t brought anything to eat.
Fortunately I didn’t have to hike all the way back to Mui Wo; Almost straight downhill there there was a “Monastery Pier” with an occasional ferry to the nearby islet of Peng Chau and a connection back to Central. Looks like there still is.
It was midafternoon, the heat approaching its peak, and walking downhill has its own stresses and strains. By the time I got to the pier I was a sad excuse for a human. Here’s a picture of the ferry.

As you can see, it was pretty crowded, but unsurprisingly, nobody wanted to share the bench the big sweaty panting hungry-looking pink person was on.
Peng Chau itself was visually charming but the ferry connection was tight so I couldn’t explore.

Peng Chau waterfront in 1994. This is the picture I wanted to share that led me to (re?)tell this story. My conversational-media home on the Net is on Mastodon, but I like to keep an eye on Bluesky, so I post random pictures there under the tag #blueskyabove; this will be one.
Trudging onto the medium-sized ferry back home, I encountered a food-service option: A counter with one guy and a big steaming pot of soup behind it. My spirit lifted. The guy’s outfit might have once been white; he was unshaven and sweaty but then so was I, and my clothes were nothing to write home about either.
I stopped and pointed at the bowls. He filled one, then wanted to upsell me on a leathery, greasy-looking fried egg to go on top but there are limits. Disappointed, he stepped aside to put it back, revealing a small glass-fronted fridge, icicles hanging off it, full of big cans of San Miguel beer. My spirit lifted again.
The soup was salty and delicious. I’m not sure I’ve enjoyed a beer more in the thirty years since that day. The ferry was fast enough to generate a refreshing breeze all the way, and there were charming boats to photograph.

The tourist who walked off the boat at Central was a dry, well-hydrated, and cheerful specimen of humanity. The next day, my fast-talking HK friend said “You climb over Lantau in that weather yesterday? White guys so weird!” “It was great!” I told him, smirking obnoxiously.
I’ve been back to HK a few times over the years, but it’s not really a happy place any more.
QRS: Parsing Regexps 12 Dec 2024, 8:00 pm
Parsing regular expression syntax is hard. I’ve written a lot of parsers and,for this one, adopted a couple of new techniques that I haven’t used before. I learned things that might be of general interest.
I was initially surprised that the problem was harder than it looked, but quickly realized that I shouldn’t have been, because my brain has also always had a hard time parsing them.
They’re definitely a write-only syntax and just because I’m gleefully writing this series doesn’t mean I’m recommending you reach for REs as a tool very often.
But I bet most people in my profession find themselves using them pretty regularly, in the common case where they’re the quickest path from A to B. And I know for sure that, on a certain number of occasions, they’ve ended up regretting that choice.
Anyhow, I console myself with the thought that the I-Regexp RE dialect has less syntax and fewer footguns than PCREs generally. Plus, I’ve been having fun implementing them. So knock yourselves out. (Not legal nor investing advice.)
Sample-driven development
When I started thinking seriously about the parser, the very first thought in my mind was “How in the freaking hell am I going to test this?” I couldn’t stand the thought of writing a single line of code without having a plausible answer. Then it occurred to me that since I-Regexp subsets XSD Regular Expressions, and since XSD (which I mostly dislike) is widely deployed and used, maybe someone already wrote a test suite? So I stuck my head into an XML community space (still pretty vigorous after all these years) and asked “Anyone have an XSD regexp test suite?”
And it worked! (I love this profession sometimes.)
Michael Kay pointed at me a few things notably including
this GitHub repo. The
there, too big to display, contains just under a thousand regular expressions, some
valid, some not, many equipped with strings that should and should not match.
The process by which I turned it into a *_test.go
file, Dear Reader, was not pretty. I will not share the
ugliness, which involved awk and emacs, plus hideous and largely untested one-off Go code.
But I gotta say, if you have to write a parser for any anything, having 992 sample cases makes the job a whole lot less scary.
Lesson: When you’re writing code to process a data format that’s new to you, invest time, before you start, in looking for samples.
Recursive descent
The I-Regexp specification contains a complete ABNF grammar for the syntax. For writing parsers I tend to like finite-automaton based approaches, but for a freakishly complicated mini-language like this, I bowed in the direction of Olympus for that grammar and started recursively descending.
I think at some point I understood the theory of Regular Languages and LL(1) and so on, but not any more. Having said that, the recursive-descent technique is conceptually simple, so I plowed ahead. And it worked eventually. But there seemed a lot of sloppy corners where I had to peek one byte ahead or backtrack one. Maybe if I understood LL(1) better it’d have been smoother.
The “character-class” syntax [abc0-9]
is particularly awful. The possible leading -
makes it worse, and it has the usual \
-prefixed stanzas. Once again, I salute the original
specifiers who managed to express this in a usable grammar.
I was tempted, but ended up making no use of Go’s regexp
library to help me parse REs.
I have to say that I don’t like the code I ended up with as much as any of my previous (automaton-based) parsers, nor as much as the rest of the Quamina code. But it seems to work OK. Speaking of that…
Test coverage
When I eventually got the code to do the right thing for each of Michael Kay’s 992 test cases, I was feeling a warm glow. So then I ran the test-coverage tool, and got a disappointingly-low number. I’m not a 100%-coverage militant generally, but I am for ultra-low-level stuff like this with a big blast radius.
And here’s the lesson: Code coverage tools are your friend. I went in and looked at the green and red bars; they revealed that while my tests had passed, I was really wrong in my assumptions about the paths they would make the code take. Substantial refactoring ensued.
Second, and somewhat disappointingly, there were a lot of coverage misses on Go’s notorious little if err != nil
stanza. Which revealed that my sample set didn’t cover the RE-syntax space quite as thoroughly as I’d hoped. In particular,
there was really no coverage of the code’s reaction to malformed UTF-8.
The reason I’m writing this is to emphasize that, even if you’re in a shop where the use of code-coverage tools is (regrettably) not required, you should use one anyhow, on basically every important piece of code. I have absolutely never failed to get surprises, and consequently improved code, by doing this.
Sharing the work
I don’t know if I-Regexp is going to be getting any uptake, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it did; it’s a nice tractable subset that hits a lot of use cases. Anyhow, now I have reasonably robust and well-tested I-Regexp parsing code. I’d like to share it, but there’s a problem.
To do that, I’d have to put it in a separate repo; nobody would want to import all of Quamina, which is a fair-sized library, just to parse REs. But then that other repo would become a Quamina dependency. And one of my favorite things about Quamina is that it has 0 dependencies!
It’s not obvious what the right thing to do is; any ideas?
QRS: Quamina Regexp Series 12 Dec 2024, 8:00 pm
Implementing regular expressions is hard. Hard in interesting ways that make me want to share the lessons. Thus this series, QRS for short.
People who keep an eye on my Quamina open-source pattern-matching project will have noticed a recent absence of updates and conversation. That’s because, persuant to Issue #66, I’m working on adding fairly-full regular-expression matching.
Personal note
This is turning out to be hard. Either it’s the hardest nut I’ve had to crack in many years, or maybe my advanced age is dulling my skills. It’s going to be some time before I can do the first incremental release. Whatever; the learning experiences coming out of this work still feel fresh and fascinating and give me the urge to share.
I hope I can retain that urge as long as I’m still mentally present. In fact, I hope I can retain the ability to work on software. For various reasons, I’ve been under a lot of personal stress in recent years. Stealing time from my adult responsibilities to wrestle with executable abstractions has been a pillar of my sanity.
Anyhow, normally when I code I blog about it, but so far I haven’t because the work is unfinished. Then I realized that it’s too big, and addresses too many distinct problems, to be just one piece, thus this mini-series.
[Readers who don’t know what regular expressions are should probably close this tab now. Don’t feel guilty, nobody who’s not a full-time computing professional should have to know much less care.]
[Notation: I’m gonna say “Regexp” or maybe just “RE” in this series.]
I’ll use this post as a table of contents:
(Future) Representing parsed REs.
(Future) Implementing UTF-8 based automata for REs.
At the moment, I think the hardest part of the work is #1, Parsing. (Maybe that’s because I haven’t really dug very deep into other parts yet.) I’d be amazed if the final series had only three parts.
Now, introductory material.
Which regular expressions?
They come in lots of flavors. The one I’m implementing is I-Regexp, RFC 9485. The observant reader will notice that I co-edited that RFC, and I cheerfully confess to bias.
I-Regexp is basically a subset of XSD Regular Expressions (chosen to subset because they have a nice clean immutable spec), which are a lot like good ol’ PCRE (Perl-compatible regular expressions). Except for:
They are designed assuming they will only ever be used to match against a string and return a “yes” or “no” answer.
They are anchored, which is to say that (unlike PCREs) they’re all assumed to start with
and end with$
.They omit popular single-character escapes like
because those are sketchy in the Unicode context.They don’t have capture groups or back-references.
They don’t support character class subtraction, e.g.
I’m going to claim that they hit a very useful 80/20 point if what you’re interested is asking “Did the field value match?” which of course is all Quamina is interested in doing.
Project strategy
I’m totally not going to try to do all this as a big bang. I’ve got a reliable RE parser now (it was hard!) that recognizes
ten different RE features, ranging from .
to everything in
Unbackslashing again
Go check out
Tl;dr: It’s terribly painful to deal with the standard RE escaping character \
in Go software that is processing
JSON. Because both Go and JSON use \
for escaping and your unit tests eventually fill up with \\
and become brutally hard to read. So after publishing that blog piece and running polls on Mastodon,
is the new \
. So that RE above becomes (a+b*c?).|d[ef]{3,9}~?~P{Lu}
You’re allowed to not like it. But I request that you hold off pushing the big button that sends me to Hell until you’ve tried writing a few unit tests for REs that you want Quamina to process.
Back to strategy: The first feature is going to be that lovely little dot operator. And thus…
Just for fun, here’s an intellectual challenge. Suppose you’re building a byte-at-a-time state machine to process UTF-8 text. How
many states, roughly, would it take to match .
, i.e. any single Unicode code point? By “match” I mean reject
any byte sequence that
doesn’t, and when it does match, consume just enough bytes to leave you positioned after the .
and ready to start
matching whatever’s next.
I think I’ve found the correct answer. It surprised me, so I’m still sanity-checking, but I think I’m right. I am convinced the problem isn’t as simple as it looks.
Remembering Bonnie 2 Dec 2024, 8:00 pm
The murderer I emailed with is still in prison. And the software that got him pissed off at me still runs, so I ran it. Now here I am to pass on the history and then go all geeky. Here’s the tell: If you don’t know what a “filesystem” is (that’s perfectly OK, few reasonable adults need to) you might want to stay for the murderer story then step off the train.
Filesystems are one of the pieces of software that computers need to run, where “computers” includes your phone and laptop and each of the millions of servers that drive the Internet and populate the cloud. There are many flavors of filesystem and people who care about them care a lot.
One of the differences between filesystems is how fast they are. This matters because how fast the apps you use run depends (partly) on how fast the underlying filesystems are.
Writing filesystem software is very, very difficult and people who have done this earn immense respect from their peers. So, a lot of people try. One of the people who succeeded was named Hans Reiser and for a while his “ReiserFS” filesystem was heavily used on many of those “Linux” servers out there on the Internet that do things for you.
Reiser at one point worked in Russia and used a “mail-order bride” operation to look for a spouse. He ended up marrying Nina Sharanova, one of the bride-brokerage translators, and bringing her back to the US with him. They had two kids, got divorced, and then, on September 3, 2006, he strangled her and buried her in a hidden location.
To make a long story short, he eventually pleaded guilty to a reduced charge in exchange for revealing the grave location, and remains in prison. I haven’t provided any links because it’s a sad, tawdry story, but if you want to know the details the Internet has them.
I had interacted with Reiser a few times as a consequence of having written a piece of filesystem-related software called “Bonnie” (more on Bonnie below). I can’t say he was obviously murderous but I found him unpleasant to deal with.
As you might imagine, people generally did not want to keep using the murderer’s filesystem software, but it takes a long time to make this kind of infrastructure change and just last month, ReiserFS was removed as a Linux option. Which led to this Mastodon exchange:

Here’s a link to that post and the conversation that followed.
(People who don’t care about filesystems can stop reading now.)
Now, numbers
After that conversation, on a whim I tracked down the Bonnie source and ran it on my current laptop, a 2023 M2 MacBook Pro with 32G of RAM and 3T of disk. I think the numbers are interesting in and of themselves even before I start discoursing about benchmarking and filesystems and disks and so on.
-------Sequential Output--------- ---Sequential Input--- --Random--
-Per Char- --Block--- -Rewrite-- -Per Char- --Block--- --Seeks---
Machine GB M/sec %CPU M/sec %CPU M/sec %CPU M/sec %CPU M/sec %CPU /sec %CPU
MBP-M2-32G 64 56.9 99.3 3719 89.0 2772 83.4 59.7 99.7 6132 88.0 33613 33.6
Bonnie says:
This puppy can write 3.7 GB/second to a file, and read it back at 6.1GB/sec.
It can update a file in place at 2.8 GB/sec.
It can seek around randomly in a 64GB file at 33K seeks/second.
Single-threaded sequential file I/O is almost but not quite CPU-limited.
I wonder: Are those good numbers for a personal computer in 2024? I genuinely have no idea.
I will shorten the story, because it’s long. In 1988 I was an employee of the University of Waterloo, working on the New Oxford English Dictionary Project. The computers we were using typically had 16MB or so of memory (so the computer I’m typing this on has two thousand times as much) and the full text of the OED occupied 572MB. Thus, we cared really a lot about I/O performance. Since the project was shopping for disks and computers I bashed out Bonnie in a couple of afternoons.
I revised it lots over the years, and Russell Coker made an excellent fork called Bonnie++ that (for a while at least) was more popular than Bonnie. Then I made my own major revision at some point called Bonnie-64.
In 1996, Linux Torvalds recommended Bonnie, calling it a “reasonable disk performance benchmark”.
That’s all I’m going to say here. If for some weird reason you want to know more, Bonnie’s quaint Nineties-flavor home and description pages are still there, plus this blog has documented Bonnie’s twisty history quite thoroughly. And explored, I claim, filesystem-performance issues in a useful way.
I will address a couple of questions here, though.
Do filesystems matter?
Many performance-sensitive applications go to a lot of work to avoid reading and/or writing filesystem data on their critical path. There are lots of ways to accomplish this, the most common being to stuff everything into memory using Redis or Memcached or, well, those two dominate the market, near as I can tell. Another approach is to have the data in a file but access it with mmap rather than filesystem logic. Finally, since real disk hardware reads and writes data in fixed-size blocks, you could arrange for your code to talk straight to the disk, entirely bypassing filesystems. I’ve never seen this done myself, but have heard tales of major commercial databases doing so.
I wonder if anyone has ever done a serious survey study of how the most popular high-performance data repositories, including Relational, NoSQL, object stores, and messaging systems, actually persist the bytes on disk when they have to?
I have an opinion, based on intuition and having seen the non-public inside of several huge high-performance systems at previous employers that, yes, filesystem performance still matters. I’ve no way to prove or even publicly support that intuition. But my bet is that benchmarks like Bonnie are still relevant.
I bet a few of the kind of people who read this blog similarly have intuitions which, however, might be entirely different than mine. I’d like to hear them.
What’s a “disk”?
There is a wide range of hardware and software constructs which are accessed through filesystem semantics. They have wildly different performance envelopes. If I didn’t have so many other hobbies and projects, it’d be fun to run Bonnie on a sample of EC2 instance types with files on various EBS and EFS and so on configurations.
For the vast majority of CPU/storage operations in the cloud, there’s at least one network hop involved. Out there in the real world, there is still really a lot of NFS in production. None of these things are much like that little SSD slab in my laptop. Hmmm.
Today’s benchmarks
I researched whether some great-great-grandchild of Bonnie was the new hotness in filesystem benchmarking, adopting the methodology of typing “filesystem benchmark” into Web search. The results were disappointing; it doesn’t seem like this is a thing people do a lot. Which would suggest that people don’t care about filesystem performance that much? Which I don’t believe. Puzzling.
Whenever there was a list of benchmarks you might look at, Bonnie and Bonnie++ were on that list. Looks to me like IOZone gets the most ink and is thus probably the “industry-leading” benchmark. But I didn’t really turn up any examples of quality research comparing benchmarks in terms of how useful the results are.
Those Bonnie numbers
The biggest problem in benchmarking filesystem I/O is that Linux tries really hard to avoid doing it, aggressively using any spare memory as a filesystem cache. This is why serving static Web traffic out of the filesystem often remains a good idea in 2024; your server will take care of caching the most heavily fetched data in RAM without you having to do cache management, which everyone knows is hard.
I have read of various cache-busting strategies and have never really been convinced that they’ll outsmart this aspect of Linux, which was written by people who are way smarter and know way more than I think I do. So Bonnie has always used a brute-force approach: Work on a test file which is much bigger than main memory, so Linux has to do at least some real I/O. Ideally you’d like it to be several times the memory size.
But this has a nasty downside. The computer I’m typing on has 32GB of memory, so I ran Bonnie with a 64G filesize (128G would have been better) and it took 35 minutes to finish. I really don’t see any way around this annoyance but I guess it’s not a fatal problem.
Oh, and those numbers: Some of them look remarkably big to me. But I’m an old guy with memories of how we had to move the bits back and forth individually back in the day, with electrically-grounded tweezers.
Reiser again
I can’t remember when this was, but some important organization was doing an evaluation of filesystems for inclusion in a big contract or standard or something, and so they benchmarked a bunch, including ReiserFS. Bonnie was one of the benchmarks.
Bonnie investigates the rate at which programs can seek around in a file by forking off three child processes that do a bunch of random seeks, read blocks, and occasionally dirty them and write them back. You can see how this could be stressful for filesystem code, and indeed, it occasionally made ReiserFS misbehave, which was noted by the organization doing the benchmarking.
Pretty soon I had email from Reiser claiming that what Bonnie was doing was actually violating the contract specified for the filesystem API in terms of concurrent write access. Maybe he was right? I can’t remember how the conversation went, but he annoyed me and in the end I don’t think I changed any code.
Here’s Bonnie
At one time Bonnie was on SourceForge, then Google Code, but I decided that if I were going to invest effort in writing this blog, it should be on GitHub too, so here it is. I even filed a couple of bugs against it.
I make no apologies for the rustic style of the code; it was another millennium and I was just a kid.
I cheerfully admit that I felt a warm glow checking in code originally authored 36 years ago.
Why Not Bluesky 15 Nov 2024, 8:00 pm
As a dangerous and evil man drives people away from Xitter, many stories are talking up Bluesky as the destination for the diaspora. This piece explains why I kind of like Bluesky but, for the moment, have no intention of moving my online social life away from the Fediverse.
(By “Fediverse” I mean the social network built around the ActivityPub protocol, which for most people means Mastodon.)
If we’re gonna judge social-network alternatives, here are three criteria that, for me, really matter: Technology, culture, and money.
I don’t think that’s controversial. But this is: Those are in increasing order of importance. At this point in time, I don’t think the technology matters at all, and money matters more than all the others put together. Here’s why.
Mastodon and the rest of the fediverse rely on ActivityPub implementations. Bluesky relies on the AT Protocol, of which so far there’s only one serious implementation.
Both of these protocols are good enough. We know this is true because both are actually working at scale, providing good and reliable experiences to large numbers of people. It’s reasonable to worry what happens when you get to billions of users and also about which is more expensive to operate. But speaking as someone who spent decades in software and saw it from the inside at Google and AWS, I say: meh. My profession knows how to make this shit work and work at scale. Neither alternative is going to fail, or to trounce its competition, because of technology.
I could write many paragraphs about the competing nice features and problems of the competing platforms, and many people have. But it doesn’t matter that much because they’re both OK.
At the moment, Bluesky seems, generally speaking, to be more fun. The Fediverse is kind of lefty and geeky and queer. The unfortunate Mastodon culture of two years ago (“Ewww, you want us to have better tools and be more popular? Go away!”) seems to have mostly faded out. But the Fediverse doesn’t have much in the way of celebrities shitposting about the meme-du-jour. In fact it’s definitely celebrity-lite.
I enjoy both cultural flavors, but find Fedi quite a lot more conversational. There are others who find the opposite.
More important, I don’t think either culture is set in stone, or has lost the potential to grow in multiple new, interesting directions.
Here’s the thing. Whatever you think of capitalism, the evidence is overwhelming: Social networks with a single proprietor have trouble with long-term survival, and those that do survive have trouble with user-experience quality: see Enshittification.
The evidence is also perfectly clear that it doesn’t have to be this way. The original social network, email, is now into its sixth decade of vigorous life. It ain’t perfect but it is essential, and not in any serious danger.
The single crucial difference between email and all those other networks — maybe the only significant difference — is that nobody owns or controls it. If you have a deployment that can speak the languages of IMAP and SMTP and the many anti-spam tools, you are de facto part of the global email social network.
The definitive essay on this question is Mike Masnick’s Protocols, Not Platforms: A Technological Approach to Free Speech. (Mike is now on Bluesky’s Board of Directors.)
What does success look like?
My bet for the future (and I think it’s the only one with a chance) is a global protocol-based conversation with many thousands of individual service providers, many of which aren’t profit-oriented businesses. One of them could be your local Buddhist temple, and another could be Facebook. The possibilities are endless: Universities, government departments, political parties, advocacy organizations, sports teams, and, yes, tech companies.
It’s obvious to me that the Fediverse has the potential to become just this. Because it’s most of the way there already.
Could Bluesky? Well, maybe. As far as I can tell, the underlying AT Protocol is non-proprietary and free for anyone to build on. Which means that it’s not impossible. But at the moment, the service and the app are developed and operated by “Bluesky Social, PBC”. In practice, if that company fails, the app and the network go away. Here’s a bit of Bluesky dialogue:

In practice, “Bsky corp” is not in immediate danger of hard times. Their team is much larger than Mastodon’s and on October 24th they announced they’d received $15M in funding, which should buy them at least a year.
But that isn’t entirely good news. The firm that led the investment is seriously sketchy, with strong MAGA and cryptocurrency connections.
The real problem, in my mind, isn’t in the nature of this particular Venture-Capital operation. Because the whole raison-d’etre of Venture Capital is to make money for the “Limited Partners” who provide the capital. Since VC investments are high-risk, most are expected to fail, and the ones that succeed have to exhibit exceptional revenue growth and profitability. Which is a direct path to the problems of survival and product quality that I mentioned above.
Having said that, the investment announcement is full of soothing words about focus on serving the user and denials that they’ll go down the corrupt and broken crypto road. I would like to believe that, but it’s really difficult.
To be clear, I’m a fan of the Bluesky leadership and engineering team. With the VC money as fuel, I expect their next 12 months or so to be golden, with lots of groovy features and mind-blowing growth. But that’s not what I’ll be watching.
I’ll be looking for ecosystem growth in directions that enable survival independent of the company. In the way that email is independent of any technology provider or network operator.
Just like Mastodon and the Fediverse already are.
Yes, in comparison to Bluesky, Mastodon has a smaller development team and slower growth and fewer celebrities and less buzz. It’s supported by Patreon donations and volunteer labor. And in the case of my own registered co-operative instance CoSocial.ca, membership dues of $50/year.
Think of the Fediverse not as just one organism, but a population of mammals, scurrying around the ankles of the bigger and richer alternatives. And when those alternatives enshittify or fall to earth, the Fediversians will still be there. That’s why it’s where my social-media energy is still going.
Read more
On the Fediverse you can follow a hashtag and I’m subscribed to #Bluesky, which means a whole lot of smart, passionate writing on the subject has been coming across my radar. If you’re interested enough to have read to the bottom of this piece, I bet one or more of these will reward an investment of your time:
Maybe Bluesky has “won”, by Gavin Anderegg, goes deep on the trade-offs around Bluesky’s AT Protocol and shares my concern about money.
Blue Sky Mine, by Rob Horning, ignores technology and wonders about the future of text-centric social media and is optimistic about Bluesky.
Does Bluesky have the juice?, by Max Read, is kind of cynical but says smart things about the wave of people currently landing on Bluesky.
The Great Migration to Bluesky Gives Me Hope for the Future of the Internet, by Jason Koebler over at 404 Media, is super-optimistic: “Bluesky feels more vibrant and more filled with real humans than any other social media network on the internet has felt in a very long time.” He also wonders out loud if Threads’ flirtation with Mastodon has been damaging. Hmm.
And finally there’s Cory Doctorow, probably the leading thinker about the existential conflict between capitalism and life online, with Bluesky and enshittification. This is the one to read if you’re thinking that I’m overthinking and over-worrying about a product that is actually pretty nice and currently doing pretty well. If you don’t know what a “Ulysses Pact” is, you should read up and learn about it. Strong stuff.
Privacy, Why? 14 Nov 2024, 8:00 pm
They’re listening to us too much, and watching too. We’re not happy about it. The feeling is appropriate but we’ve been unclear about why we feel it.
[Note: This is adapted from a piece called Privacy Primer that I published on Medium in 2013. I did this mostly because Medium was new and shiny then and I wanted to try it out. But I’ve repeatedly wanted to refer to it and then when I looked, wanted to fix it up a little, so I’ve migrated it back to its natural home on the blog.]
This causes two problems: First, people worry that they’re being unreasonable or paranoid or something (they’re not). Second, we lack the right rhetoric (in the formal sense; language aimed at convincing others) for the occasions when we find ourselves talking to the unworried, or to law-enforcement officials, or to the public servants minding the legal framework that empowers the watchers.
The reason I’m writing this is to shoot holes in the “If you haven’t done anything wrong, don’t worry” story. Because it’s deeply broken and we need to refute it efficiently if we’re going to make any progress.
Privacy is a gift of civilization
Living in a civilized country means you don’t have to poop in a ditch, you don’t have to fetch water from the well or firewood from the forest, and you don’t have to share details of your personal life. It is a huge gift of civilization that behind your front door you need not care what people think about how you dress, how you sleep, or how you cook. And that when communicating with friends and colleagues and loved ones, you need not care what anyone thinks unless you’ve invited them to the conversation.

Photo credit: Beyond My Ken, via Wikimedia Commons
Privacy doesn’t need any more justification. It’s a quality-of-life thing and needs no further defense. We and generations of ancestors have worked hard to build a civilized society and one of the rewards is that often, we can relax and just be our private selves. So we should resist anyone who wants to take that away.
Bad people
The public servants and private surveillance-capitalists who are doing the watching are, at the end of the day, people. Mostly honorable and honest; but some proportion will always be crooked or insane or just bad people; no higher than in the general population, but never zero. I don’t think Canada, where I live, is worse than anywhere else, but we see a pretty steady flow of police brutality and corruption stories. And advertising is not a profession built around integrity. These are facts of life.
Given this, it’s unreasonable to give people the ability to spy on us without factoring in checks and balances to keep the rogues among them from wreaking havoc.
“But this stuff isn’t controversial”
You might think that your communications are definitely not suspicious or sketchy, and in fact boring, and so why should you want privacy or take any effort to have it?
Because you’re forgetting about the people who do need privacy. If only the “suspicious” stuff is made private, then our adversaries will assume that anything that’s private must be suspicious. That endangers our basic civilizational privacy privilege and isn’t a place we want to be.
Talking points for everyday use
First, it’s OK to say “I don’t want to be watched”; no justification is necessary. Second, as a matter of civic hygiene, we need to be regulating our watchers, watching out for individual rogues and corrupt cultures.
So it’s OK to demand privacy by default; to fight back against those who would commandeer the Internet; and (especially) to use politics to empower the watchers’ watchers; make their political regulators at least as frightened of the voters as of the enemy.
That’s the reasonable point of view. It’s the surveillance-culture people who want to abridge your privacy who are being unreasonable.
TV In 2024 11 Nov 2024, 8:00 pm
It’s probably part of your life too. What happened was, we moved to a new place and it had a room set up for a huge TV, so I was left with no choice but to get one. Which got me thinking about TV in general and naturally it spilled over here into the blog. There is good and bad news.
Buying a TV
It’s hard. You visit Wirecutter and Consumer Reports and the model numbers they recommend often don’t quite match the listings at the bigbox Web site. Plus too many choices. Plus it’s deceiving because all the name-brand TVs these days have fabulous pictures.
Having bought a TV doesn’t make me an expert, but for what it’s worth we got a 77" Samsung S90C, which is Samsung’s second-best offering from 2023. Both WC and CR liked it last year and specifically called out that it works well in a bright room; ours is south-facing. And hey, it has quantum dots, so it must be good.
Actually I do have advice. There seems to be a pattern where last year’s TV is often a good buy, if you can find one. And you know where you can often find last year’s good product at a good price? Costco, that’s where, and that’s where we went. Glad we did, because when after a week’s use it frapped out, Costco answered the phone pretty quick and sent over a replacement.
But anyhow, the upside is that you’ll probably like whatever you get. TVs are just really good these days.
We were moving the gear around and I snapped a picture of all the video and audio pieces stacked up together. From behind.

The enlarged version of this photo has
Content Credentials to establish provenance.
Speaking as a guy who’s done standards: This picture is evidence of excellence. All those connections, and the signals they exchange, are 100% interoperable. All the signals are “line-level” (RCA or XLR wires and connectors), or video streams (HDMI), or to speakers (you should care about impedance and capacitance, but 12ga copper is good enough).
Put another way: No two of those boxes come from the same vendor, but when I wired them all up it Just Worked. First time, no compatibility issues. The software profession can only dream of this level of excellence.
Because of this, you can buy all the necessary connectors and cabling super-cheap from your favorite online vendor, but if you’re in Vancouver, go to Lee’s Electronics, where they have everything and intelligent humans will help you find it.
Fixing the picture
Out of the box the default settings yield eye-stabbing brilliance and contrast, entirely unrealistic, suitable (I guess?) for the bigbox shelves.
“So, adjust the picture,” you say. Cue bitter laughter. There are lots of dials to twist; too many really. And how do you know when you’ve got it right? Of course there are YouTubers with advice, but they don’t agree with each other and are short on quantitative data or color science, it’s mostly “This is how I do it and it looks great so you should too.”
What I want is the equivalent of the Datacolor “Spyder” color calibrators. And I wonder why such a thing couldn’t be a mobile app — phonecams are very high-quality these days and have nice low-level APIs. You’d plug your phone into the screen with a USB-C-to-HDMI adapter, it’d put patterns on the screen, and you’d point your phone at them, and it’d tell you how close you are to neutral.
It turns out there are objective standards and methods for measuring color performance; for example, see “Delta-E” in the Tom’s Hardware S90C review. But they don’t help consumers, even reasonably technical ones like me, fine-tune their own sets.
Anyhow, most modern TVs have a “Filmmaker” or “Cinema” setting which is said to be the truest-to-life. So I pick that and then fine-tune it, subjectively. Measurements, who needs ’em?
Our TVs spy on us. I have repeatedly read that hardware prices are low because the profit is in mining and selling your watching habits. I’ve not read anything that has actual hard facts about who’s buying and how much they’re paying, but it feels so obvious that it’d be stupid not to believe it.
It’s hopeless to try and keep it from happening. If you’re watching a show on Netflix or a ballgame on MLB.tv, or anything on anything really, they’re gonna sell that fact, they’re up-front about it.
What really frosts my socks, though, is ACR, Automatic Content Recognition, where the TV sends hashed screenshots to home base so it (along with Netflix and MLB and so on) can sell your consumption habits to whoever.
Anyhow, here’s what we do. First, prevent the TV from connecting to the Internet, then play all the streaming services through a little Roku box. (With the exception of one sports streamer that only does Chromecast.) Roku lets you turn off ACR, and Chromecast promises not to. Imperfect but better than nothing.
What to watch?
That’s the problem, of course. It seems likely we’re in the declining tail-end of the Golden Age of TV. The streamers, having ripped the guts out of the cable-TV industry, are turning into Cable, the Next Generation. The price increases are relentless. I haven’t so far seen a general quality decline but I’ve read stories about cost-cutting all over the industry. Even, for example, at Apple, which is currently a quality offering.
And, of course, subscription fatigue. There are lots of shows that everyone agrees are excellent that we’ll never see because I just absolutely will not open my wallet on a monthly basis to yet another outgoing funnel. I keep thinking I should be able to pay to watch individual shows that I want to watch, no matter who’s streaming them. Seems that’s crazy talk.
We only watch episodic TV one evening or so a week, and only a couple episodes at a time, so we’re in no danger of running out of input. I imagine being (unlike us) a real video connoisseur must be an (expensive) pain in the ass these days.
But you already knew all that.
Can it work?
Well, yeah. A big honkin’ modern TV being driven by a quality 4K signal can be pretty great. We’re currently watching 3 Body Problem, which has occasional fabulous visuals and also good sound design. I’m pretty sure the data show that 4K, by any reasonable metric, offers enough resolution and color-space coverage for any screen that can fit in a reasonable home. (Sidebar: Why 8K failed.)
The best picture these days is the big-money streamer shows. But not only. On many evenings, I watch YouTube concert videos before I go to bed. The supply is effectively infinite. Some of them are shakycam productions filmed from row 54 (to be fair, some of those capture remarkably good sound). But others are quality 4K productions and I have to say that can be a pretty dazzling sensory experience.
Here are a couple of captures from a well-shot show on PJ Harvey’s current tour, which by the way is musically fabulous. No, I didn’t get it off the TV, I got it from a 4K monitor on my Mac, but I think it gives the feel.

Content Credentials here too.
AUDIO visual
In our previous place we had a big living room with the deranged-audiophile stereo in it, and the TV was in a little side-room we called the Video Cave. The new place has a media room with the big TV wall, so I integrated the systems and now the sound accompanying the picture goes through high-end amplification and (for the two front channels) speakers.
It makes more difference than I would have thought. If you want to improve your home-theatre experience, given that TV performance is plateauing, better speakers might be a good option.
Live sports
I like live-sports TV. I acknowledge many readers will find this distasteful, for reasons I can’t really disagree with; not least is maybe encouraging brain-damaging behavior in young men. I can’t help it; decades ago I was a pretty good basketball player at university and a few of those games remain among my most intense memories.
I mean, I like drama. In particular I like unscripted drama, where neither you nor your TV hosts know how the show’s going to end. Which is to say, live sports.
I’ve griped about this before, but once again: The state of the sports-broadcasting art is shamefully behind what the hardware can do.
The quality is all over the map, but football, both fútbol and gridiron, is generally awful. I’ve read that the problem is the expense of the in-stadium broadcast infrastructure, routing all the fat 4K streams to the TV truck and turning them into a coherent broadcast.
In practice, what we’re getting is not even as good as a quality 1080p signal. It’s worth noting that Apple TV’s MLS and MLB broadcasts are noticeably better (the sound is a lot better).
It can only improve, right?
Control how?
When I sit on the comfy video-facing furniture, I need to control Samsung, Parasound, Marantz, Roku, and Chromecast devices. We use a Logitech Harmony; I have another in reserve, both bought off eBay. Logitech has dropped the product but someone is still updating the database; or at least was through 2023, because it knows how to talk to that Samsung TV.
They work well enough that I don’t have to be there for other family members to watch a show. Once they wear out, I have no freaking idea what Plan B is. That’s OK, maybe I’ll die first. And because (as noted above) the audio side has superb interoperability, I can count on upgrading speakers and amplifiers and so on for as long as I last.
Golden age?
Yes, I guess, for TV hardware. As for the shows, who knows? Not my problem; I’m old enough and watch little enough that there’s plenty out there to fill the remainder of my life.
C2PA Progress 29 Oct 2024, 7:00 pm
I took a picture looking down a lane at sunset and liked the way it came out, so I prettied it up a bit in Lightroom to post on Mastodon. When I exported the JPG, I was suddenly in the world of C2PA, so here’s a report on progress and problems. This article is a bit on the geeky side but I think the most interesting bits concern policy issues. So if you’re interested in online truth and disinformation you might want to read on.
If you don’t know what “C2PA” is, I immodestly think my introduction is a decent place to start. Tl;dr: Verifiable provenance for online media files. If for some reason you think “That can’t possibly work”, please go read my intro.
Here’s the Lightroom photo-export dialog that got my attention:

There’s interesting stuff in that dialog. First, it’s “Early Access”, and I hope that means not fixed in stone, because there are issues (not just the obvious typo); I’ll get to them.
Where’s the data?
There’s a choice of where to put the C2PA data (if you want any): Right there in the image, in “Content Credentials Cloud” (let’s say CCC), or both. That CCC stuff is (weakly) explained here — scroll down to “How are Content Credentials stored and recovered?” I think storing the C2PA data in an online service rather than in the photo is an OK idea — doesn’t weaken the verifiability story I think, although as a blogger I might be happier if it were stored here on the blog? This whole area is work in progress.
What surprised me on that Adobe CCC page was the suggestion that you might be able to recover the C2PA data about a picture from which it had been stripped. Obviously this could be a very bad thing if you’d stripped that data for a good reason.
I’m wondering what other fields you could search on in CCC… could you find pictures if you knew what camera they were shot with, on some particular date? Lots of complicated policy issues here.
Also there’s the matter of size: The raw JPG of the picture is 346K, which balloons to 582K with the C2PA. Which doesn’t bother me in the slightest, but if I were serving millions of pictures per day it would.
Who provided the picture?
I maintain that the single most important thing about C2PA isn’t recording what camera or software was used, it’s identifying who the source of the picture is. Because, living online, your decisions on what to believe are going to rely heavily on who to believe. So what does Lightroom’s C2PA feature offer?
First, it asserts that the picture is by “Timothy Bray”; notice that that value is hardwired and I can’t change it. Second, that there’s a connected account at Instagram. In the C2PA, these assertions are signed with an Adobe-issued certificate, which is to say Adobe thinks you should believe them.
Let’s look at both. Adobe is willing to sign off on the author being “Timothy Bray”, but they know a lot more about me; my email, and that I’ve been a paying customer for years. Acknowledging my name is nice but it’d be really unsurprising if they have another Tim Bray among their millions of customers. And suppose my name was Jane Smith or some such.
It’d be well within Adobe’s powers to become an identity provider and give me a permanent ID like “https://id.adobe.com/timbray0351”, and include that in the C2PA. Which would be way more useful to establish provenance, but then Adobe Legal would want to take a very close look at what they’d be getting themselves into.
But maybe that’s OK, because it’s offering to include my “Connected” Instagram account, https://www.instagram.com/twbray. By “connected” they mean that Lightroom went through an OAuth dance with Meta and I had to authorize either giving Insta access to Adobe or Adobe to Insta, I forget which. Anyhow, that OAuth stuff works. Adobe really truly knows that I control that Insta ID and they can cheerfully sign off on that fact.
They also offered me the choice of Behance, Xitter, and LinkedIn.
I’ll be honest: This excites me. If I really want to establish confidence that this picture is from me, I can’t think of a better way than a verifiable link to a bunch of my online presences, saying “this is from that guy you also know as…” Obviously, I want them to add my blog and Mastodon and Bluesky and Google and Apple and my employer and my alma mater and my bank, and then let me choose, per picture, which (if any) of those I want to include in the C2PA. This is very powerful stuff on the provenance front.
Note that the C2PA doesn’t include anything about what kind of device I took the picture on (a Pixel), nor when I took it, but that’d be reasonably straightforward for Google’s camera app to include. I don’t think that information is as important as provenance but I can imagine applications where it’d be interesting.
What did they do to the picture?
The final choice in that export dialog is whether I want to disclose what I did in Lightroom: “Edits and Activity”. Once again, that’s not as interesting as the provenance, but it might be if we wanted to flag AI intervention. And there are already problems in how that data is used; more below.
Anyhow, here’s the picture; I don’t know if it pleases your eye but it does mine.

Now, that image just above has been through the ongoing publishing system, which doesn’t know about C2PA, but if you click and enlarge it, the version you get is straight outta Lightroom and retains the C2PA data.
If you want to be sure, install
c2patool, and apply it to lane.jpg.
Too lazy? No problem, because here’s the JSON output (with the --detailed
If you’re geeky at all and care about this stuff, you might want to poke around in there.
Another thing you might want to do is download lane.jpg and feed it to the Adobe Content Authenticity Inspect page. Here’s what you get:

This is obviously a service that’s early in its life and undoubtedly will get more polish. But still, interesting and useful.
Not perfect
In case it’s not obvious, I’m pretty bullish on C2PA and think it provides us useful weapons against online disinformation and to support trust frameworks. So, yay Adobe, congrats on an excellent start! But, things bother me:
[Update: There used to be a complaint about c2patool here, but its author got in touch with me and pointed out that when you run it and doesn’t complain about validation problems, that means there weren’t any. Very UNIX. Oops.]
Adobe’s Inspector is also available as a Chrome extension. I’m assuming they’ll support more browsers going forward. Assuming a browser extension is actually useful, which isn’t obvious.
The Inspector’s description of what I did in Lightroom doesn’t correspond very well to what the C2PA data says. What I actually did, per the C2PA, was (look for “actions” in the JSON):
Opened an existing file named “PXL_20241013_020608588.jpg”.
Reduced the exposure by -15.
Generated a (non-AI) mask, a linear gradient from the top of the picture down.
In the mask, moved the “Shadows” slider to -16.
Cropped and straightened the picture (the C2PA doesn’t say how much).
Changed the masking again; not sure why this is here because I didn’t do any more editing.
The Inspector output tries to express all this in vague nontechnical English, which loses a lot of information and in one case is just wrong: “Drawing edits: Used tools like pencils, brushes, erasers, or shape, path, or pen tools”. I think that in 2024, anyone who cares enough to look at this stuff knows about cropping and exposure adjustments and so on, they’re ubiquitous everywhere photos are shared.
If I generate C2PA data in an Adobe product, and if I’ve used any of their AI-based tools that either create or remove content, that absolutely should be recorded in the C2PA. Not as an optional extra.
I really, really want Adobe to build a flexible identity framework so you can link to identities via DNS records or
files or OpenID Connect flows, so that I get to pick which identities are included with the C2PA. This, I think, would be huge.This is not an Adobe problem, but it bothers me that I can’t upload this photo to any of my social-media accounts without losing the C2PA data. It would be a massive win if all the social-media platforms, when you uploaded a photo with C2PA data, preserved it and added more, saying who initially uploaded it. If you know anyone who writes social-media software, please tell them.
Once again, this is progress! Life online with media provenance will be better than the before times.
LLMM 28 Oct 2024, 7:00 pm
The ads are everywhere; on bus shelters and in big-money live-sportscasts and Web interstitials. They say Apple’s products are great because Apple Intelligence and Google’s too because Google Gemini. I think what’s going on here is pretty obvious and a little sad. AI and GG are LLMM: Large Language Mobile Marketing!
It looks like this:

Here are nice factual Wikipedia rundowns on Apple Intelligence and Google Gemini.
The object of the game is to sell devices, and the premise seems to be that people will want to buy them because they’re excited about what AI and GG will do for them. When they arrive, that is, which I guess they’re just now starting to. I guess I’m a little more LLM-skeptical than your average geek, but I read the list of features and thought: Would this sort of thing accelerate my mobile-device-upgrade latency, which at the moment is around three years? Um, no. Anyone’s? Still dubious.
Quite possibly I’m wrong. Maybe there’ll be a wave of influencers raving about how AI/GG improved their sex lives, income, and Buddha-nature, the masses will say “gotta get me some of that” and quarterly sales will soar past everyone’s stretch goals.
What I think happened
I think that the LLMania among the investor/executive class led to a situation where massive engineering muscle was thrown at anything with genAI in its pitch, and when it came time to ship, demanded that that be the white-hot center of the launch marketing.
Because just at the moment, a whole lot of nontechnical people with decision-making power have decided that it’s lethally risky not to bet the farm on a technology they don’t understand. It’s not like it’s the first time it’s happened.
Why it’s sad
First, because the time has long gone when a new mobile-device feature changed everyone’s life. Everything about them is incrementally better every year. When yours wears out, there’ll be a bit of new-shiny feel about onboarding to your new one. But seriously, what proportion of people buy a new phone for any reason other than “the old one wore out”?
This is sad personally for me because I was privileged to be there, an infinitesimally small contributor during the first years of the mobile wave, when many new features felt miraculous. It was a fine time but it’s gone.
The other reason it’s sad is the remorseless logic of financialized capitalism; the revenue number must go up even when the audience isn’t, and major low-hanging unmet needs are increasingly hard to find.
So, the machine creates a new unmet need (for AI/GG) and plasters it on bus shelters and my TV screen. I wish they wouldn’t.
Cursiveness 18 Oct 2024, 7:00 pm
I’ve found relief from current personal stress in an unexpected place: what my mother calls “penmanship”, i.e. cursive writing that is pleasing to the eye and clearly legible. (Wikipedia’s definition of “penmanship” differs, interestingly. Later.) Herewith notes from the handwriting front.
[Oh, that stress: We’re in the final stages of moving into a newly-bought house from the one we bought 27 years ago, and then selling the former place. This is neither easy nor fun. Might be a blog piece in it but first I have to recover.]
My generation
I’m not sure which decade handwriting ceased to matter to schoolchildren; my own kids got a derisory half-term unit. I have unpleasant elementary-school memories of my handwriting being justly criticized, month after month. And then, after decades of pounding a keyboard, it had devolved to the point where I often couldn’t read it myself.
Which I never perceived as much of a problem. I’m a damn fast and accurate typist and for anything that matters, my communication failures aren’t gonna involve letterforms.
I’ve been a little sad that I had become partly illiterate, absent a keyboard and powerful general-purpose computer. But it wasn’t actually a problem. And my inability to decipher my own scribbling occasionally embarrassed me, often while standing in a supermarket aisle. (If your family is as busy as mine, a paper notepad in a central location is an effective and efficient way to build a shopping list.)
Then one night
I was in bed but not asleep and my brain meandered into thoughts of handwriting; then I discovered that the penmanship lessons from elementary school seemed still to be lurking at the back of my brain. So I started mentally handwriting random texts on imaginary paper, seeing if I could recall all those odd cursive linkages. It seemed I could… then I woke up and it was morning. This has continued to work, now for several weeks.
So that’s a quality-of-life win for me: Mental penmanship as a surprisingly strong soporific. Your mileage may vary.
What, you might ask, is the text that I virtually handwrite? Famous poems? Zen koans? The answer is weirder: I turn some switch in a corner of my brain and words that read sort of like newspaper paragraphs come spilling out, making sense but really meaning anything.
Makes me wonder if I have an LLM in my mind.
Dots and crosses
After the occasional bedtime resort to mental cursive, I decided to try the real thing, grabbed the nearest pen-driven tablet, woke up an app that supports pen input, and started a freehand note. I found, pleasingly, that if I held the childhood lessons consciously in focus, I could inscribe an adequately comprehensible hand.

(Not the first attempt.)
Dotting and crossing
There’s a message in the media just above. I discovered that one reason my writing was so terrible was lacking enough patience to revisit the i’s and t’s after finishing a word that contains them, but rather trying to dot and cross as I went along. Enforcing a steely “finish the word, then go back” discipline on myself seems the single most important factor in getting a coherent writing line.
I’ve made the point this blog piece wants to make, but learned a few things about the subject along the way.
It says penmanship means simply the practice of inscribing text by hand (cursive is the subclass of penmanship where “characters are written joined in a flowing manner”). But I and the OED both think that English word also also commonly refers to the quality of writing. So I think that entry needs work.

Oh, and “Penmanship” also stands for Tommaso Ciampa the professional wrestler; earlier in his career he fought as “Tommy Penmanship”. I confess I offer this tasty fact just so I could include his picture.
Pop culture?
As I inscribed to-buys on the family grocery list, going back to dot and cross, it occurred to me that “or” was difficult; the writing line leaves the small “o” at the top of the letter, but a small “r” wants to begin on the baseline. I addressed this conundrum, as one does, by visiting YouTube. And thus discovered that a whole lot of people care about this stuff; there are, of course, /r/Cursive and /r/Handwriting.
Which sort of makes sense in a time when LPs and film photography are resurging. I think there are deep things to be thought and (not necessarily hand-)written about the nature of a message inscribed in cursive, even when that cursive is described in pixels. But I’m not going there today. I’m just saying I can read my grocery lists now.
Trollope’s aristos
I distinctly recall reading, in one of Anthony Trollope’s excellent novels about mid-19th-century life, that it was common knowledge that the landed aristocracy heedlessly wrote in incomprehensible chicken-scratches, but that the clerks and scriveners and merchants, the folk lacking genealogy, were expected to have a clear hand.
The new hotness?
I dunno, I don’t really think cursive is, but the idea isn’t crazy.
Voting Green October 19th 15 Oct 2024, 7:00 pm
I’m old enough that I remember voting in the Seventies. I never miss a chance to vote so that’s a lot of elections. In all but one or two my vote has gone to the NDP, Canada’s social democrats. There’s a provincial election Saturday, and I’ll be voting Green, against the current NDP government.
It’s not complicated: I’ve become a nearly-single-issue voter. The fangs of the climate monster are closing on us, and drastic immediate action is called for by all responsible governments to stave them off.
The BC NDP has followed its unlamented right-wing predecessor in making a huge energy bet on fossil fuels, “natural” gas in particular, and especially LNG, optimized for export. “Natural” gas, remember, is basically methane. The fossil-fuels mafia has greenwashed it for years as a “better alternative”, and a “bridge to the renewable future”. Which is a big fat lie; it’s been known for years to be a potent greenhouse gas, and recent research suggests it’s more damaging than coal.
That was the LNG project that made me snap. Here is coverage that tries to be neutral. Tilbury was sold as being a good thing because LNG is said to have a lighter carbon load than the heavy bunker fuel freighters usually burn. Supposing that to be true, well so what: The terminal mostly exists to pump locally-extracted methane to the rest of the world. Check out Tilbury’s first contract, for 53,000 tons of LNG a year off to China, with no indication of what it will be used for and plenty of reason to believe it will end up heating buildings, which instead should be moving to renewable options.
Tilbury is just the latest chapter of the successful march of LNG infrastructure through the minds of successive BC governments; I’ll spare you the long, dispiriting story (but I won’t forget it in the polling booth).
I don’t believe it’s oversimplifying to say that essentially everything the fossil-fuel industry says is a pack of self-serving planet-destroying lies. Why would I vote for a party that apparently believes those lies?
The Carbon Tax
Post-Tilbury, I was probably 60% of the way to splitting with the NDP when they announced they were ready to drop the carbon tax. It is hard to find an economist who does not believe that a carbon tax is one of our sanest and most powerful anti-GHG policy tools. BC has been a North-American leader in instituting and maintaining a carbon tax. So, that sealed the deal. Bye bye, NDP.
What’s happening is simple enough: Canada’s right-wing troglodytes have united around an anti-Carbon-tax platform, chanting “axe the tax”. And our NDP has waved the chickenshit-colored tag of surrender. You can pander to reactionary hypocrites, or you can help us do our bit for the world my children will inherit, but you can’t do both. Bye.
The Greens
Their platform is the kind of sensible social-democratic stuff that I’ve always liked, plus environmentalist to the core. Leader Sonia Furstenau is impressive. It wasn’t a hard choice.
But tactical voting!
It’s been a weird election, with the official opposition party, center-rightists who long formed the government, changing their name (from “Liberals” to “United”) midstream, then collapsing. This led to the emergence of the BC Conservative Party, a long-derided fringe organization famous for laughable candidates, thick with anti-vaxxers, climate deniers, anti-wokesters, anti-LGBTQ ranters, and multiple other flavors of conspiracy connoisseur.
Guess what: That’s what they still are! But much to everyone’s surprise, they’re running pretty close to neck and neck with the NDP.
So people like me can expect to be told that by abandoning the NDP, we’re in effect aiding and abetting the barbarians at the gate. (To be fair, nobody has actually said that to me. The strongest I’ve heard is “it’s your privilege to waste your vote.”)
But what I see is two parties neither of which have any concern for my children’s future, and one which does. If it’s wrong to vote on that basis, I don’t want to be right.
Unbackslash 22 Sep 2024, 7:00 pm
Old software joke: “After the apocalypse, all that’ll be left will be cockroaches, Keith Richards, and markup characters that have been escaped (or unescaped) one too many (or few) times.” I’m working on a programming problem where escaping is a major pain in the ass, specifically “\”. So, for reasons that seem good to me, I want to replace it. What with?
The problem
Quamina project is all about matching patterns (not going into any further
details here, I’ve
written this one to death). Recently, I implemented a “wildcard”
pattern, that works just like a shell glob, so
you can match things like *.xlsx
or invoice-*.pdf
. The only metacharacter is *
, so it
has basic escaping, just \*
and \\
It wasn’t hard to write the code, but the unit tests were a freaking nightmare, because
. Specifically, because Quamina’s patterns are wrapped in JSON, which also uses \
for escaping, and
I’m coding in Go, which does too, differently for strings delimited by "
. In the worst case, to test whether \\
was handled properly, I’d have \\\\\\\\
in my test code.
It got to the point that when a test was failing, I had to go into the debugger to figure out what eventually got
passed to the library code I was working on. One of the cats jumped up on my keyboard while I was beset with \\\\
and found itself trying to tread air. (It was a short drop onto a soft carpet. But did I ever get glared at.)
Regular expressions ouch
That’s the Quamina feature I’ve just started working on. And as everyone knows, they use \
promiscuously. Dear
Reader, I’m going to spare you the “Sickening Regexps I Have Known” war stories. I’m sure you have your
own. And I bet they include lots of \
(The particular dialect of regexps I’m writing is I-Regexp.)
I’ve never implemented a regular-expression processor myself, so I expect to find it a bit challenging. And I expect to have
really a lot of unit tests. And the prospect of wrangling the \
’s in those tests is making me
I was telling myself to suck it up when a little voice in the back of my head piped up “But the people who use this library will be writing Go code to generate and test patterns that are JSON-wrapped, so they’re going to suffer just like you are now.”
Crazy idea
So I tried to adopt the worldview of a weary developer trying to unit-test their patterns and simultaneously fighting JSON
and Go about what \\
might mean. And I thought “What if I used some other character for escaping in the regexp? One
that didn’t have special meanings to multiple layers of software?”
“But that’s crazy” said the other half of my brain. Everyone has been writing things like \S+\.txt
for years and just thinks that way. Also, the Spanish Inquisition.”
Whatever; like Prince said, let’s go crazy.
The new backslash
We need something that’s visually distinctive, relatively unlikely to appear in common regular expressions, and not too hard for a programmer to enter. Here are some candidates, in no particular order.
For each, we’ll take a simple harmless regexp that matches a pair of parentheses containing no line breaks, like so:
Original: \([^\n\r)]*\)
And replace its \
‘s with the candidate to see what it looks like:
Left guillemet: «
This is commonly used as open-quotation in non-English languages, in particular French. “Open quotation” has a good semantic
feel; after all, \
sort of ”quotes” the following character.
It’s visually pretty distinctive. But it’s hard to type on keyboards not located in Europe. Speaking of developers sitting
behind those keyboards, they’re more likely to want to use «
in a regexp. Hmm.
Sample: «([^«n«r)]*«)
Em dash: —
Speaking of characters used to begin quotes, Em dash seems visually identical to U+2015 QUOTATION DASH, which I’ve often seen as a quotation start in English-language fiction. Em dash is reasonably easy to type, unlikely to appear much in real life. Visually compelling.
Sample: —([^—n—r)]*—)
Left double quotation mark: “
(AKA left smart quote.) So if we like something that suggests an opening quote, why not just use an opening quote? There’s a key combo to generate it on most people’s keyboards. It’s not that likely to appear in developers’ regular expressions. Visually strong enough?
Sample: “([^“n“r)]*“)
Pilcrow: ¶
Usually used to mark a paragraph, so no semantic linkage. But, it’s visually strong (maybe too strong?) and has combos on many keyboards. Unlikely to appear in a regular expression.
Sample: ¶([^¶n¶r)]*¶)
Section sign: §
Once again, visually (maybe too) strong, accessible from many keyboards, not commonly found in regexps.
Sample: §([^§n§r)]*§)
Tilde: ~
Why not? I’ve never seen one in a regexp.
Sample: ~([^~n~r)]*~)
Suppose we used tilde to replace backslash. We’d need a way to escape tilde when we wanted it to mean itself.
I think just
doubling the magic character works fine. So suppose you wanted to match anything beginning with .
in my home
directory: ~~timbray/~..*
“But wait,” you cry, “why are any of these better than \
?” Because there aren’t other layers of software fighting to
interpret them as an escape, it’s all yours.
You can vote!
I’m going to run a series of polls on Mastodon. Get yourself an account anywhere in the Fediverse and follow the
hashtag. Polls will occur on Friday September 27, in reasonable Pacific times.
Of course, one of the options will be “Don’t do this crazy thing, stick with good ol’ \
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